
Showing posts from May, 2017

The Warrior and the Martyr

My suffering is justice Makes sense Brings balance In this place that takes heroes And leaves enemies in palaces I'm left to wonder what "hero" is If honor is real If justice is swift Or... what if We're all out of control There's nothing we can do To right or to wrong No weak No strong IS... with no value Added to one over another Can this be it? NO I'm meant to suffer There's order Decisions, control Right side, wrong side Heaven and hell There's better than There's greater than There's evil and good There's purpose to pain Gravity to gravity A good fight A moral stand I must be right But... Trista And Rock And Dan NO My suffering is justice Makes sense Brings balance In this place that takes heroes And leaves enemies in palaces

The Light

Someone warned me not to light up because I'm liable to get sniped Light makes you a target to the enemy They told me it was too bright Keep it to yourself Be humble Don't draw attention Tone it down so they don't get jealous What's the point of light If not to shine Light shines for all, not just the bearer It spreads into darkness and uncloaks all its secrets It doesn't discriminate, it flows from all angles It's not meant for just one Jealousy isn't my responsibility Shining is I am a light