Mother's Day Resolution
On this day we appreciate and show gratitude for all those special women in our lives. We recognize, as a whole country, the importance of the role of "mother". So, it was interesting that I had an attack of self-loathing yesterday while we were celebrating early. I don't deserve this. I'm worthless, weak, a coward, a failure, lumpy and bumpy, crooked, broken < >. It happens once in awhile. It lasted until the morning despite my efforts (and Josh's) to help me process the REALITY from the emotional conditioning I've heaped onto myself over these 33 years of life. It helped a little, but still I was feeling very guarded this morning. Then I decided to write about it instead. Here's what leaked out onto the page and liberated me from feeling worthless. Maybe you can draw some insight or inspiration. We all do it, or have done it at some point in time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...