A few Noteworthy Thingamabobs
First off I'd like to say that after I posted my Monopoly blog, I won every game HA! Until today. We were playing mostly every day since then though. Noah's getting better, but hasn't won yet and is still not discouraged, which is good. Things going on with Noah: OK so the kid had something similar to an Iowa test (CogAT in Maryland) and he scored in the upper 97th percentile nationwide for nonverbal reasoning skills, the other 2 categories he got a 50% and 65% LOL! This means when it comes to manipulation of physical objects, our son is the king. We knew that already, but it's nice that he tested well and was recognized by others so he can possibly get into better science or math next year... or maybe have different teaching techniques brought to the classroom for him. In a classroom of 25 3rd graders with one teacher and no aide, I don't expect much. That poor woman. However, our school currently holds awards for their Gi...