Southwest Vacation - Arizona Part 2, the Grand Canyon

We all woke up relatively early to make the 1.5hr drive to the South Rim entrance of the Grand Canyon.  We were hoping since it was early on a weekday we wouldn't have to contend with too many crowds.  Granted, we've never been to the Grand Canyon so I don't know what "busy" looks like to the park, but it seemed crowded.  Not so busy we didn't enjoy ourselves though!!!

Grand Canyon Grand Canyon

The drive there was pretty, and I was able to capture a dust devil so that was fun.  Our friends had to turn around and go back into town to get gas since we were on a back country road through the Coconino National Forest, which doesn't have gas stations.  We took that opportunity to pick up more snacks and drinks.  No biggie, still found parking :)

Grand Canyon, B&B's photos Grand Canyon

Brennan was not going to go anywhere near the edge and I didn't want to force him.  He and his buddy ran around to find vegetation growing in unusual places.  They also were very interested in the overly tamed squirrels that will eat right out of your hand.

Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon Grand CanyonGrand Canyon Grand Canyon, B&B's photos

Even being there, it's really difficult to grasp the ginormousness of the Grand Canyon.  It's like looking at $1,000,000,000,000,000 and trying to fathom the amount of money that would really be.  You could see incredibly far across and down into the canyon, but understanding the scale of it, even right there in person, was almost impossible.  If we had had more time and less little legs with us we may have gone into the canyon.  I would go back and hike or raft the Colorado River.  It was amazing.

Grand Canyon

I was reminded that 4 years ago we all talked about doing this trip to the Grand Canyon together, and promised it would happen.  I'm so glad we did it!!

Grand Canyon, panoramic videos Grand Canyon
Grand canyon group

We were exhausted when we got back.  Chilled the rest of the day.  The kids had their own room upstairs with 4 beds in it and that's where they wanted to be.  We got to relax and take naps, snack, drink, not move, play games, use secure wifi that works.  Have I mentioned yet how much I love airbnb-ing?  I probably will mention it at least 2 more times lol.  Learned that having a meal ready to eat when you get back from a trip is freakin' awesome.  Crock pots, y'all.  Also of note: jackbox games on the steam platform are super fun and most of the packs have family-friendly options!

Our next chapter: Arizona Part 3, exploring Walnut Canyon and Flagstaff


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