
"Truth is not a thing, it is a constantly shifting balance of multiple interconnected realities. It is ever-changing, cyclically-building, interdependent, and infinite in nature." (Allison Burnett, 2019)

Found this in my journal.  I don't remember being this insightful!  Sometimes I write things in the present that end up inspiring my future self.  I have quotes on my wall that I swap out once in awhile, and I haven't had quotes from others in a really long time.  Years.  I think that's pretty cool.  I started out with quotes from others, and now I inspire and motivate myself.  This is me and this is where I am.  My current quote wall:

One object at a time.  One layer at a time.  One room at a time
Growth mindset from classroom.  To closed system lab.  To practical application.

All were inspired by my own life and the realizations I had from my experiences :)  For anyone who doesn't know what "growth mindset" is, it's worth learning about!!  Nothing is fixed.  All things change.  Even mathematical constants depend on relationships that exist within systems that themselves are not immutable.  Current reality will always have at least a probability of shifting, which would in turn change every constant that is related to our system of reality.  This doesn't mean we disregard our discovered facts, but we should accept them with the humility of our ignorance and always seek to uncover more.  Reading for myself again... "The Quantum and the Lotus".

Brings even more of the idea of "reality" into question.  Now that we are harnessing the power of quantum particles... I wonder where our "truths" will take us?  What are we about to uncover?


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