Enough Planning, More Doing

I've been researching, reading about, diving into, writing about, and thinking about building confidence and self-trust for about 8 years now. It's time to get more intentional and active about it. I think I'm ready to move into that phase finally. I have a tendency to take in information and keep mulling it over, writing and expounding upon this that and the other, but now it's time for an actual plan. An action plan. I understand the problem as much as I can from the outside looking in. Now it's time to create learning opportunities: to make mistakes and deal with the consequences or to achieve something and deal with the praise. That's the next phase of learning... doing. So today I am creating a specific list of tasks that I have to do in the months ahead that specifically target insecurities and seek to force me to deal with the reality of those insecurities. The goal is to be able to build resilience by proving my old voices wrong with a stack of accomplishments that I can't ignore. This is going to be very difficult for me because it's so against my current modus operandi. As I was writing this, I distracted myself for a full 2 hours with a 240 question quiz that would "help me make a better list of things to do". Ermagerd, Allison. Seriously.

Little steps.

I want to tackle one insecurity with one manageable change.


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