Happy Holidays, dammit!!! NOW!

I decided the best thing to do this holiday season to counteract the lonliness and depression would be to list off some things I am thankful for... to make me remember.
  1. I'm thankful that even though he's far away, my husband is alive and well and I can talk to him every day and even see him on the webcam.
  2. I'm fortunate that those times, like today, when Noah is sick I can make a phone call and have him seen by a doctor the same day.
  3. We have a home, a car, cable, computers... anything we want or need.
  4. We have jobs that provide for us and are still able to pay off bills and save some money.
  5. I'm thankful that I have family out here. Vita and Joe you guys made my Christmas, even though I may have seemed like a stick in the mud I had a great time and I really appreciate you coming over for the holidays.
  6. I cannot describe how thankful I am for our son. He's been sick and whiney and clingy, but I can't imagine life without him and I admire the strength Josh shows in having to.
  7. As much as I hate the Bush administration, and really both sides of the political spectrum right now... I'm greatful that I live in America "the land of freedom" because for all its downfalls it really is the greatest country to be in. Why else would people risk death just for a chance at the American dream?
  8. I'm in awe of my husband and of the person I have seen him become, everything he's capable of, everything I saw in the beginning that's now being honed and perfected. The excitement I feel about my marriage far surpasses any romantic expectations I ever had about being married and starting a family. I love you, baby and can't wait 'til you come home. Our dedication and love for each other is amazing.
  9. I am actually thankful for problems we've faced and trials we've worked through because I believe without them we would have maintained a mediocre marriage: happy but not scrumtrulescent.
  10. I'm thankful for the future, the fact that I'm well enough to think about even having one. We have been blessed. We're apart, but we're here.
  11. I'm thankful for change. Big and small, though sometimes it stresses me out it's usually for the best. It generally has signified better things coming.
  12. I'm thankful this year is almost over. It's been difficult and life-altering. I'm glad it happened, but I'm relieved it's almost over.
  13. Naptime, which is now over.
  14. And... coffee, it truly is one of the greatest discoveries mankind has ever made. (hehe)
I could go on and on and that fact alone lets me know that this exercise worked. Time to get Noah :) Happy Holidays everyone. Hope it was great! See you on New Years.


Nerdular said…
And thank you for making our Christmas good. I didn't think you were a stick in the mud at all. We had fun! :)
josh said…
i love you babe,
i too am thankful for a few things:

1. my beautiful wife, Allison, you are a strong, intelligent, loving, funny, motivated woman who deserves better than anything that i can ever offer, though i will try to give you anything you might ever need or want
2. the cutest baby in the world, my son Noah, i see so much of you and me in him that it scares me sometimes, hes got my nose and your eyes, and both of our stubbornness... he's gonna be a heart breaker and a genious we will be hard pressed to ever do that good again
3. prozac and ambien ... the elixer of life... hahaha, yeah right... it is though the elixer of the military system of impersonal nonchalance and uncaring
4. love... in all kinds but especially the kind that i recently discovered, a love that can bind two people together for life without either of them ever having a say in the matter... sometimes for two people it just happens... and it happened to us so i still hold hope that it may someday work for the rest of the world
5. experience... thats right... i am thankful that we as humans have the ability to learn from our actions... and thankful that we also have the ability to learn from others actions
6. my home and heart... its here and its there... my home and heart keep me alive and safe and appy everyday... they can strongly be seen and felt at the mention of you or our son by others and will always be present with the thoughts by me

there must be more that i cant think of right now to be thankful for but i need to get some sleep for a bit

i love allison

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