Easter 2011

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After all the hustle and bustle of overcoming sickness, unpacking bags, and sterilizing the post-apocalyptic disaster that was "Pukefest 2011"... we ran out of time for Easter shopping. Everything was closed by Wednesday. No candy, no white eggs, no Easter lamb. Not a big deal. We are not really Eastery people. We celebrate Easter as the arrival of spring, longer days, the end of winter. We enjoy family time, and allow our children the joys of candy spoils (that they are not normally allowed) and fun easter egg hunts to build "esprit de ninos"... give mommy and daddy an excuse to gorge on delicousness from our own kitchen and enjoy a little more wine than normal. Our boys don't believe in the Easter bunny. We do not associate it with any religious beliefs, and that's easy enough to do. But, I digress. Either way, Josh was gone and Tom is back in the states (we miss you, Tom!!) so it would have been pointless to do a huge dinner anyway. I was sad we weren't able to color eggs, but also a little relieved. The boys didn't mind.

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Thankfully my Mom had sent us a big Easter basket stocked with delicious Amurrrican candies and plastic dinosaur eggs. I also received some solid milk chocolate dinosaurs from Tom's parents over at Matangos Candy and those were a ginormic hit. They gnawed at those things all day long. We hid the eggs a few times outside, had time to decorate Bosley, but then the clouds rolled in and it started raining again.

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Then I downloaded 5 new movies and we just vegged out and cuddled all day long. OK... I'm lying... really I vegged out and facebooked while yelling at them to stop trying to kill each other during sugar fits. I made stuffed cabbage rolls and salad for dinner (NOM NOM NOM), which only Noah ate (unless you include the 10 I polished off myself in one sitting, and the 2 cold ones I ate with my bare hands before I put them in the fridge).

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The boys snarled and begged for more candy even though they didn't eat dinner, and I caved... holiday rules! They stayed up until 10pm on a school night. I was glad to put the cherubs to bed, without a bath, covered in boogers and chocolate, during their sugar crash. Good Easter. Best part? Spring break was finally over! ;) hahahahahhahahaha.


The Holiday rule gets me everytime. Brianna had reeses eggs for breakfast. What are you gonna do?

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