Mother's Day Weekend

As usual our weekend began on Friday night. We drank hot chocolate (well, in all honesty it was chocolate milk after having to cool it off so much) and ate cheetos while watching "Matilda", one of my all-time favorite movies.

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Since we started Saturday Unplugged we've admittedly had a few Saturdays when TV is more than welcome (like the weekend we were all sick). This Saturday we were back to "the norm" even though it rained all morning. We set the slide up in the living room again and the boys tackled each other for a solid hour. There was a lot of jumping and screaming, but all in good "boy" fun. At least they left me out of it this time! ;)

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I finally cleaned the playroom and fixed the DVD player up there so they could watch movies again without monopolizing MY tv ;) Noah and I worked on a 1,000 piece puzzle diligently most of the morning. Then we got out the wikistix from Aunt Michelle and played with those for awhile. Tristan made a huge ball of them for Aunt Vita, Grandma & Grandpa. He wants to keep this mashed ball of wikistix around, which is covered in dog hair, until our family gets here to receive this precious masterpiece. Hope you like it, V! ;) He looked like a cat playing with a ball of yarn. I gave them a super nutritious snack of teddy grahams and nutella and once that was over and their tiny veins were pulsating with sugary goodness, the sun came out! Thank God!!

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Outside I bore witness to their usual antics: sticks as swords, bats, and bows, and lots of throwing and digging in dirt (and a few instances of dumping shovelfuls into our poor pool). They also decided to pluck all the petals off of my roses and shower themselves, which I was completely cool with!

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Then it was dinnertime. They wrestled and cuddled on the floor while I cooked. Bath time, movie, bed time. Tomorrow is Mother's Day, kids! Don't forget to let me sleep in ;)

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HA! Yeah right. Though they all did remember (thank you, Noah) and gave me my cards and some awesome coupons for feeding dogs, watering plants, helping in the kitchen, cleaning rooms, and making beds... stinkin' CUTE! I remember making coupons! It was a gorgeous day so we met up with Jessica and the girls (and baby Will) at a local playground/park and hung out for a good 2 hours while the kids imagined being captives and princesses and ninjas and all that other fun stuff. We plopped ourselves on a bench in the shade and made faces at Will to get baby smiles and giggles. Pretty awesome stuff :)

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Our families parted ways and I ended up taking the boys to yet another park after we had lunch. The wildflowers are in bloom over here so it's picture-taking time! Purple, yellow, red, white... and there are seeds flying through the air that make it look like it's snowing half the time. Kids LOVE that! We found a big puddle that was chock-full of tadpoles. I think the boys would have played there all day if I'd let them.

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So, that was basically it! We had a wonderful weekend. Very relaxing. Great Mother's Day! :)


Haley Elizabeth said…
your boys look like they are always having so much fun. I love that about them! They always have something interesting and "boyish" they are doing.

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