Reflections, Revelations, Resolutions

Hello again blogosphere!  

Over the past month I have been evolving.  I've always believed that people come in and out of our lives at whatever time they're "supposed to" to teach us or help us.  Whether you learn or recognize the lesson is up to you.  This has happened throughout my entire life.  I can name a million lessons I've learned over the years from a once-stranger popping into my life at just the right time.  In fact, everyone I know falls under this category.  Sometimes these people stick around, sometimes they fade back into the background, but they're always an important part of my life.  Being able to see the connections we all have to each other has me in constant awe.  Everywhere we have been we've been fortunate to find amazing friends.  How?  Why?  Honestly I think it's because we're open to it and we welcome it in... we allow it to happen.  Before I start sounding too hippie and lose you all, allow me to link to a book I recently read that reaffirmed my beliefs and lifestyle: The Law of Attraction.  I loved it because it was putting into words what I had felt and been trying to express for years about why I act the way I do, it just made perfect sense to me.  Oh!  Also if you haven't read The Five Love Languages yet I recommend it, especially for parents and spouses.  It helped me understand myself, Josh, and the kids.  I figured out Tristan's love language and he's been a happier, more confident kid since!

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The boys have been thoroughly enjoying their new toys and the weather has been decent enough to play outside the past week.

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We spent New Years with our friends Brandon and Bekah and their daughter Kinsley and puppy Bear.  Josh had to work that night, but we had a great time playing games with him before he left and once he got back.  It was a wonderful way to bring in the New Year!  We had tons of fun :)

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We've been getting to know our neighbors and I can't tell you how great it is to have such a fabulous family living so close by!  Yesterday we took a trip to the Battle Creek and Cypress Swamp yet again.  I think this is my favorite place so far.  It's the closest nature park and the cost (free) is a fabulous bonus.  The boys got to run wild and free.  They were allowed to grab nature and get a closer look at the nature center (which, by the way, was very warm inside and a nice respite from the cold temps in the swamp).

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They got a kick out of the old car that somehow made its way into the woods.  The car kicked me back and I have the bruise to prove it, but it didn't break the skin so no tetanus shot for me ;) haha.  The boys were playing "Temple Run" along the path, and although their frantic running made us a little nervous, Claire and I were happy it was being done outside rather than in our homes.

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Our school-aged boys were reading all the signs to the little kids along the path while we lagged behind, snapping pictures (surprise surprise).

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The old plantation house was a hit as well.  Although our children claim it's haunted and maybe even infested by snakes, they braved their way through it to explore.

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I'm happy to say I kept most of my resolutions for 2012.  I took a picture nearly every day, I read over 10 books, and I maintained my weight.  We are going to retry the whole "no credit card usage" resolution.  I have yet to make any more promises to myself for 2013.  Right now I'm pretty content with where I am.  I think I will at least resolve to read 12 books this year.  It's definitely doable! :)


Sassyfrass said…
Looks like such an amazing place and look at all of those good looking boys! And you're so right about people coming into our lives at just the right time. I can think of one right now ;)

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