
I believe our old views of balance as a linear teeter-totter model are flawed.  I think real balance happens in a trinity/triad/triangle.  If you really think about it, we already knew that anyway.  Think of that teeter totter model again.  What else do you need for balance?  The fulcrum and the system itself (the platform).  Move the fulcrum or the platform and what happens?  You have to re-balance.  Balance doesn't mean the sides are equal; balance is not equality!  The universe will always be in balance.  No matter what you do.  There are limits and laws and they will be followed whether or not you understand/acknowledge/believe them.  Balance is a constant shifting to maintain equilibrium within a system.

That's what balance really looks like.  There are laws and limits, but almost endless variation... like pi.  The amount of complexity increases to infinity, but is defined by constants.  All triangles are 180 degrees.  It doesn't matter if all angles are equal or not.  It's always 180 degrees.  It's always balanced... you see? 

I think the same applies to our emotional and mental health.  That's what you have to work with.  There is freedom and choice, but there are laws and limits.  Balance is not an option.  It will always be 180 in there.  Always.  What you have control over is the angles of that triangle/length of the sides.  But, to be sure... there is NOTHING you can do to be "out of balance".  Feel like crap?  It's because you've focused on crap, but you're still that 180 no matter what.  You may have completely over-exaggerated a particular aspect of yourself, giving yourself very very tiny angles on the other 2, but you're "balanced" as far as the universe is concerned.  The universal laws don't care about how it feels to you.  It follows the rules and always balances.  Always.  It's not punishing you or keeping track of you.  It's been set for a very long time.  I guess the true "spiritual balance" is finding a way to make all our triangles equilateral... which reminds me of the Planck Lattice that Jason Padgett drew (make sure you read the description).

Balance is different in every system... in every person.  You might require more time in nature than your brother, more physical activity than your friend, more meditation/prayer time than your cousin, more time learning new things than your spouse... every person needs different levels of different things to feel good about their balance between mind, body, spirit.  So, next time you want to "find balance" just remember... you are in balance all the time, according to universal laws that absolutely cannot be broken.  How you feel is your responsibility, and if you want it to change, it's your duty to correct it.  Acknowledging these relationships is the only real way to have even a modicum of control over how you feel.

There's a whole lot more to this once you take into account phase diagrams or Pourbaix diagrams and the concept of "critical points" and plateaus (the necessary building of energy before change can happen)... but I'll leave it as is for now.


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