Yes they are 8x10's... is there a problem with that?!



I thought I would share my picture walls with everyone. Though, you really cannot see every picture you CAN see that I have a bit of an obsession. I love my family and we're all so darn good-looking. Much more attractive than paint, anyway. I think it makes my house interesting, makes it feel more like a home.

I also have random pictures in every other room of the house. I try to change them up every once in awhile. Someone will send me a new one and I'll replace the old one I had up. I feel bad for the guys who have to pack this stuff up.
1- Because I will be breathing down their necks
2- Because it's going to be a long, greuling process of wrapping and packing carefully
I'll probably end up getting all control freak and just packing them myself. Josh still has a lot out in Iraq that need shipped back. I've got plenty of wall space left in our bedroom. I've been forcing myself not to cover the guest room walls. I just can't help it when it comes to pictures. I love memories and I have so many great ones :)

As for the other side of life. I am pretty sure that I will be losing my job at the end of August.
-By then every debt but the house and car will be completely paid off
-I will get to stay home with Noah
-I won't have to apply for vacation approval (I would have only had one week saved up by October) I can just go visit family for however long I want with no stress
-We'd probably be moving in November anyway
-I'm sick of that job
-I can go to school
-I can do all the cliche "mom" and "wife" things I've been dying to do like... cook and clean and scrapbook and have more babies, do a little home-schooling, take pictures and field trips and do crafts and all that other stuff I loved having my mom around to do with us
-Back to a tight budget
As you can tell, I am not too sad about it at all. I think I would have quit after we had the car paid off. So, if I DON'T lose it in September and can somehow squeeze another year out of this lucky situation I'll quit with my owned vehicle and think nothing of it. I'm thinking that probably won't happen. I'm not worried. Everything happens for a reason.


Britni said…
I'm so happy for you.Every Mom deserved to get to stay home with their children.I love being a stay at home Mom.I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Britni said…
by the way I love your picure wall...I have an obsession with pictures as well :)
Jennifer said…
Aww we did such a good job on that wall! I don't have nearly enough pictures hanging in my house...

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