School Clothes...

Noah and I had a little date this weekend to go buy him all his school stuff. He picked out most of his own clothes... all greens, grays, and blues this year... which happen to look great on him. He insisted on Ben 10 Alien Force accessories: backpack, pencil case, notebook. He will be starting school in style. I was thrilled to get out of the house for awhile on my own... but with company :) When we got home Noah rushed to the bathroom to try on every outfit to show Daddy. It was a bittersweet day for me. I am excited he'll be starting school, but I am not eager for him to grow up. Regardless... he is growing up and he wants to be around kids his own age soooooo badly. I'm going to his school orientation on Wednesday. I get to meet his teacher and the superintendent and all that fun stuff. I'm so nervous for him. I hope he makes friends. I hope the teacher likes him. I hope he enjoys school and learns something. They have art, music, gym, and Spanish there every day so that should be fun for him! Please don't let school ruin my little boy!!! :/


Haley Elizabeth said…
His Noah going to preschool or kindergarden? I'm debating on sending Haley to preschool or not. I need to do more research.
Britni said…
Awww.... What a big boy he is now!

I have been thinking about this a lot. We decided to wait until next year and do 3 day preschool with Ava and then she will start school the year after that....I will be very bittersweet for me too. I love having my kids home with me and am not eager to shoo them out the door. This year I will be doing the same things that they would be teaching Ava in's just free at home!

Noah will have so much fun and learn so much. He will do great I know it! I am sure that his brothers will miss him while he is at school too! Does he go 1/2 a day or a full day there?
The time just passes too quickly. Glad he was so excited about picking out his own things. I'm sure that got him pumped up. I can imagine the thoughts you're feeling. It is so bittersweet.
Amalia said…
I am nervous for him too! I can't believe he is starting school. I feel like through your blogs he grew up in front of me. Wierd. one summer you will realize how much you miss school for him though. hehe.

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