Tristan's 3rd Birthday

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Tristan's birthday fell on a Monday this year so we decided to celebrate on Sunday to allow Daddy to be included in on the fun :) Technically we spent all weekend sort of celebrating. Saturday we went to the park, Toys R Us, and then out for pizza. On Sunday Tristan opened his presents first thing in the morning and spent most of the day playing with them. He's a pretty simple guy and only wanted to play outside or watch movies for his special day. Noah watched "Journey to the Center of the Earth" with us so once Tris got up from his nap they were hunting dinosaurs and destroying man-eating plants together all while trying to build their boat to make it home. Tristan was a little confused, maybe a tad scared, but mostly he was having a good time with his big brother. We built a tee-pee like clubhouse around the madrono tree, which all the boys loved.

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Once they had enough outside time we went to our ice cream place where he ordered "fwabey eye keem" (strawberry ice cream). Then we walked downtown for awhile and took the kids for dinner at Burger King. They have one of those play places inside so they were freaking out with happiness about that. Fast food is a very rare treat in this family and it had been months and months since they had a kid's meal. Josh and I opted to wait and eat leftovers at home ;) Once we got home it was bath time. The kids were all happy about how we spent the weekend so we're pleased with how it went as well.

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On Monday Tristan and Noah were busy informing everyone they knew that it was his 3rd birthday. People would tell him happy birthday and he'd reply back "happy birthday!"... I tried getting him to say thank you, but he likes saying happy birthday! We still did preschool and everything mostly the same, but I thought it would be a good day to be more firm about sharing with Brennan... HILARIOUS! Some of the best pictures and tantrums to date. I would have been holding him, but he didn't want me to (also no talking to him, or looking at him lol).

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We also made a big roast beef dinner for Tristan's birthday. Then I let the boys help me bake an apple pie for dessert (for the birthday boy). It was a lot of fun! :) To burn off all that sugar we had a yard-wide full-on whole-family soccer ball throw-out (us against Daddy mostly)... maaaaaaan what a good time!! We finished our night with an extra long book and hugs and kisses all around... a few tickle battles and giggles too. Gotta have giggles!

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I didn't get teary about Tristan getting older until today, oddly enough. Tristan climbed up next to me, smiled and then kissed me on the cheek and smiled even bigger with his cute crooked teeth. Then Brennan followed up and grabbed my face and planted a big drooly kiss on my forehead. That's not what got me, though! Brennan and Tristan giggled and then gave each other a huge hug and kiss and THAT'S what made me teary. One day my boys will be too tough to be cute, too tough to have tickle fights and giggle and give kisses and hugs. Glad I'm home to soak it all in before it's too late :)


Michelle said… I feel guilty about not blogging Jake's birthday trip to Washington DC! LOL Tristan is so incredibly cute. I'm glad that he is already able to wear those clothes I sent for him. Next year you will have to send his hand me downs to Jake. LOL
Sally Niemann said…
Pass the tissues~
Britni said…
LOVED these posts Allie!!! I love that you are observant and such a good Mommy.
You seem to have a really good routine down...Man , I can't WAIT to get to that stage, not that you have it easy...3 kids is still 3 kids!!!'s getting closer for me but my days are CRAZY and chaotic and I am up to armpits in laundry as of right now...but I still love every second I spend with my kids, and that's all that matters, right?!!!! I love Tristan's personality...He has some of Ember's funny characteristics as well. I know what you mean about the repetitive conversations. Ember tells me "Mommy, you're beautiful" at least 300 times a day and "Mommy I love you"....very cute the 1st 299 time but close to driving me insane, lol. Everyone at stores says awwwwwww how sweet!!! but they don't hear all the times that I hear it, hahaha....I love that part of the 3 year old stage but can't stand the melt downs....arg!!! Ember is sooo sweet but will turn at the drop of a hat into a pile on the floor writhing in pure 3 year old misery :P

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