Project 365: 6 - 10

Saturday, January 6th - Started the day with a rainy memorial, ended it with a homecooked meal and a game of Wingspan with good friends.

Sunday, January 7th - Brennan was in a baking and cooking mood so he whipped up a layered dessert. He even made the pudding from scratch. It was delicious.

Monday, January 8th - I thought this bell pepper looked like a nose so... why not. It's Monday.

Tuesday, January 9th - I work in the environmental field so I do a lot of site visits for my job. Mostly for erosion and flooding issues. It happened to be right before a big storm so I was able to snap a lot of photos to include in our grant proposal that justify the need for a shoreline project here. The storm eventually came through and flooded the entire area. We also lost power for about 4 hours. We had plenty of camp lights and hobbies to get through those hours.

Wednesday, January 10th - The only aftermath of the storm at our house was this one semi-obstructive branch that fell partially onto the driveway. I moved it to the side until I can find the time during daylight to tackle it.


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