4 Days 'Til Christmas!!

It snowed again last night!! We excitedly jumped out of bed to check out the 2 inch blanket of snow (those in PA are scoffing, but we were thrilled!). Then it rained all day long and will continue to do so for the next week, unfortunately. Maybe we'll be surprised by a drop in temperatures so we'll have a white Christmas. Cross your fingers for us!

Josh doesn't have to go back and work a full day again until the 4th so we're enjoying a whole lot of family time! Today we made snowflakes and then stuck them to a banner for Santa Claus. I made a Spongebob and Patrick one! I love it :) Then the boys made Santa some thank you cards because, as I pointed out, no one ever thanks Santa... they just take his presents and ask for more next year. Not very nice at all ;) We also traced Tris and Noah and had them color themselves in. They lost interest once they got down to their necks, pretty much. They had a good time though.

Brennan low crawled all over the floor, gleefully scooping dirty toys into his mouth. It's good for his immune system!! hahaha... plus he's too fast and I give up on trying to babyproof the playroom. Once I get stuff picked up the Tristan tornado tears through again. He'll be fine... and he's learning a whole lot in the process! He's such a happy boy :) He FINALLY got a tooth! One of the bottom two broke through and he is oh so proud of himself, I imagine. The other one looks like it will be breaking through pretty soon as well. I'm looking forward to giving him more fun foods to gnaw. He does OK with teething. He was a bit whiney, but Brennan's version of whiney is still nothing. Bren is the happiest, easiest baby I've ever seen. We're so lucky to have him!

Yesterday we had a few friends over for chili night. We played Mad Gab while sipping hot cocoa with Bailey's and Kahlua. No one got drunk, but we were all warm and happy to be sure :) It was fun times!! If you've never tried hot chocolate with Bailey's, you're missing out. It's delicious.

That's basically what we've been up to this week. We play, we make things, we laugh, we laugh some more, and have a good time. I am uploading a new video also, maybe two. Check back for them! After Josh and I put the kids down we have some hot tea and a board game. It's great. I love my husband :) Speaking of which! I am going to start some hot water for tea and warm up the Boggle board. Hope you're ready for a butt whoopin', Josh!! ;) LUB!


Jen said…
please send us some snow...!! i just want snow for my birthday!
Amalia said…
try hot cocoa with baileys, jameson and a dash of creme de menthe. I promise its delicious and not super alcoholy tasting.
Jen said…
ok seriously, how did you do the snowflakes??!!! please share, my windows are bare
Britni said…
Very cool, I love your creativity!! That pirate ship looks awesome! Your boys are getting so big :) I feel like we have something else in common now that I have a little boy of my own...they are so much fun :)

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