Happy Haircut Day!

Well both the boys were looking mighty shaggy so I thought it'd be a good day to give them a haircut. Thunderstorms are perfect for occupying little eyes during a buzz-cut... just so everyone knows :) Noah went first as Tristan watched intently. I thought Tris would be scared for his turn, but he was all ready to go once Noah was done. He was downright excited, even. So... here are my clean-cut gentlemen (before and after). Tristan's hair is still so wispy so I don't cut it nearly as short... plus I love when it's all sticking up everywhere ;) Mommy is next to get a haircut.

Here is me yesterday. I am 33 weeks along. If I go as soon as I did with Noah I only have 3 weeks left! Tristan was only a week "early" and I think that's much more accurate. Still no name. We have enough picked out that hopefully we can just look at him and know "who" he is if we still haven't decided by his birthday. I can finally start washing baby clothes! :D I can't believe we're so close to having him. Seriously... I haven't even really thought about any changes that will have to be made. Honestly, though... what would? Noah and Tris are great sleepers, Noah is becoming even more independent and helps me SO MUCH throughout the day. I am tempted to keep him home for another year just for the extra help ;) A newborn is almost like still being pregnant for the first couple months haha... poop, cry, eat, sleep. Just hold 'em close and make sure they're happy. I don't require much sleep and I figured out a lot of breastfeeding tricks with Tristan since he was such a little piggy. I think the biggest challenge will be a jealous Tristan, but he'll get over it soon enough (we hope). I am not nervous about his arrival at all. I am ready for another baby and everything he can dish out :)

April promises to be a good month. Josh is working a 12hr shift today, but then he's home-free for all of April WOOHOO!!! We have a lot of appointments and random things to take care of before moving to Spain so it will be nice to have the time to get it all done. We're definitely going to squeeze in at least one fun family trip as well. I am dying to go back to the aquarium with my new camera. Our plan is to go with my parents when they come back up from Florida. Couple weeks!


Jen said…
awe you look really great!! I cant wait to see your little one. I bet you cant wait either!
Amalia said…
Oh my! I can't believe its so close! You are soooo cute with your big belly and lil body! I miss you and SA is just not the same without you. I know its slim, but think you can make it back out there after Spain? I think I am going to move there after school. I will tell you details over the phone or something.

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