We're Almost Done!

Josh and I were up until about 3am cleaning the house, but it's done and we're all packed and ready to go.  Grandma N. is out here with us and she's been a HUGE help with the boys while we get all the loose ends tied up.  Somehow we even managed to get some fun family time in, despite all the work :)  Today Josh has his final out and we're turning the house over... then we're done!  All we have left to do is get a power of attorney for our neighbor so she can ship Bosley later.  If I forgot to mention that, animals cannot fly if the high is 85 degrees or more on the flight date.  Heather and Jeff agreed to keep Bos for us for even a couple months if need be.  We have such great neighbors :D  Tonight I think we should all go to the drive-in and see "Up" :)  Mom leaves tomorrow... and I think we leave for Atlanta on Sunday.  We need to have a last hurrah with everyone!

This move has been really easy.  I know it may seem like it hasn't been, but it could have gone SO much worse than it has.  We have everything we wanted.  Our stuff is packed, we're all flying together, both vehicles are getting shipped, we will eventually have Bosley, and our flight is non-stop from ATL to MAD (at night, which is perfect when traveling with wee ones).  I'm very happy with how everything worked out for us.


Haley Elizabeth said…
OMG, I feel for you! I'm so glad things are going smoothly. I hope you guys had a safe flight. I hate flying..I couldn't image flying that far with the girls and the hubby. Good luck! Defintely check into something and tell us you guys got there okay.

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