LIVE from Washington D.C.
Our drive yesterday went really well. The hotel is nice and Brennan did a lot of sleeping and eating. He didn't have a fit even once. Noah was my big helper and didn't complain about being stuck in the car for 9 hours. We only had to stop 3 times! I hope the drive back goes this well.
We went to the Natural History Museum and rode the Metro Train, saw the Washington Monument and Capitol Building (from afar). I had my camera, but I didn't have it on me so I will get pics once they share them with me :) Brennan was a big hit once again! I had fun and that was definitely what I needed after such a stressful day of driving and waiting. We had dinner and said goodbye. I'm sure I will see them in the next 3 years, but I was admittedly a little sad. Maybe it was the stress. I was holding back tears all day today (which gave me a massive headache).
So... we're in the hotel for another night. I am going back into the city tomorrow to pick up the passport. I am reading the receipt now and it claims this can only be done from 11:30-noon or 2-3pm. I say WHATEVER I will show up before they open, get my number, and hopefully get my way via the cunning use of cute one-month old baby Brennan and his crazy hair. If they insist I come back during their magical 30 minute window of opportunity I will smile, go get my camera, and get some pictures of DC before I leave this country. I am determined to remain as stress-free as possible for the next however long it takes to get us all settled and "home" again. Goodnight everyone! I've got a wake-up call at 6am!
Our little Brennan is a whole month old today! WHERE DOES TIME GO?!