One Big Happy Family... Almost

Aside from my few bouts of depression over moving, I've been pretty dang cheerful. Hmmmmm I wonder why.... could it be because I have 2 gorgeous boys and my hunky hubby is finally coming home?! Naw. It must just be the weather ;) Look! I finally can get a decent picture of my backyard!

Yesterday I had Tristan strapped to me and we were chasing Noah around the backyard. He was rolling all through the grass, knowing I couldn't really bend down to catch him. I didn't take too many pics because I was too busy taking videos :) It was hilarious. Noah was cracking up because right before we went out I was pretending Tristan was punching me and I'd jerk my head to the side like he hit me with a brick or something. I had Tristan giggling a little bit too. We also danced with some crazy newlyweds on YouTube we saw on Ellen. We had a fun evening.

Today after we all went to playgroup Karrie whipped up some rice crispie treat goo while I nursed Tristan and got him down for his nap. Then we let the boys cut out Christmas shapes and decorate them. Also fun fun fun :) Of course Karrie and I supervised... and by supervised I mean we ate all the trimmings hahaha. Noah mostly just kept eating the sprinkles or spilling them onto the floor. The green sprinkles we used dyed anything they touched green, but I'm sure it will wear off before New Years.


Britni said…
Your back yard looks great.It's huge!What nice weather!!It's so cold and snowy here,but it's a nice change from the hot sweaty weather of summer :)

I have had rice crispie treats in a long time!I bet Ava would love them!I love the picture of Tristan bitting the Snuggly carrier!

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