Aside from my few bouts of depression over moving, I've been pretty dang cheerful. Hmmmmm I wonder why.... could it be because I have 2 gorgeous boys and my hunky hubby is finally coming home?! Naw. It must just be the weather ;) Look! I finally can get a decent picture of my backyard!
Yesterday I had Tristan strapped to me and we were chasing Noah around the backyard. He was rolling all through the grass, knowing I couldn't really bend down to catch him. I didn't take too many pics because I was too busy taking videos :) It was hilarious. Noah was cracking up because right before we went out I was pretending Tristan was punching me and I'd jerk my head to the side like he hit me with a brick or something. I had Tristan giggling a little bit too. We also danced with some crazy newlyweds on YouTube we saw on Ellen. We had a fun evening.
Today after we all went to playgroup Karrie whipped up some rice crispie treat goo while I nursed Tristan and got him down for his nap. Then we let the boys cut out Christmas shapes and decorate them. Also fun fun fun :) Of course Karrie and I supervised... and by supervised I mean we ate all the trimmings hahaha. Noah mostly just kept eating the sprinkles or spilling them onto the floor. The green sprinkles we used dyed anything they touched green, but I'm sure it will wear off before New Years.
We're still going strong with our happiness levels out here. Yesterday was a little bit rough because Tristan was especially whiney, but today was amazing :) We got our grocery shopping done and even managed to have fun doing that! Noah and I were singing Christmas songs already while Tris and Bren laughed at us. Tristan sometimes piped in with a "all the way" when we were singing Jingle Bells. Noah was cracking up when I sang him the Batman version :D After all that excitement the 2 wee ones went down for their naps and Noah and I gave Bosley a bath with his new tea extract shampoo. He looks and smells so wonderful now :) He was in such a good mood after that too! Noah made a concoction of plum leaves, olives, dirt, and paper which he called "olive a cado". While he was doing his own grocery shopping I was taking some macro shots with my new focus point knowledge. I'm very happy. I thought I loved my camera before! Anyway... We also built a littl...
We almost ended up with a puppy today. An adorable baby Jack Russell Terrier mix wandered into our yard. He was very sweet, laid back, flea-ridden, dirty, cute, a little broken, good temperament, un-fixed, and very very good with Noah and Emma. I asked the neighbors about him and they showed me where the owner lived. She took him inside and told me how he's driving her crazy because he chews through collars and gets out of the yard (which is because he's a puppy and not an outside breed). She mentioned possibly getting rid of him. Lo and behold he wandered back into our yard not too long after that... interesting. I wanted to adopt him because he was unwanted, but shouldn't have been. He was a very sweet dog. I would have called him Jackie I think :) This brings me to a rant. I know I've posted about the way people around here treat their pets. This is a perfect example. This lady didn't want the puppy anymore so she simply let it go. No collar, no tags...
Since we hardly ever see each other, when we finally do it's always some kind of celebration. This time we're celebrating our 4th anniversary so we're going to do a whole weekend. This is where we'll be spending our weekend alone :) It's the perfect place to get away from everyone and just be together. We don't even have to find someplace to cook! Even though the full kitchen looks more like a stove and a sink and no counter space. We'll make do. We're bringing a lot of games, some food, and ourselves. We might also bring along our fishing gear. We've already decided the TV is not going to be turned on (unless the Daily Show is on because we really miss Jon Stewart). Most likely we just won't turn it on. There are places to hike and the cabins are right next to the river. We've gotten so much rain lately it's probably pretty full. I'm very excited! I haven't been away from Noah for more than a day since he was born....
I have had rice crispie treats in a long time!I bet Ava would love them!I love the picture of Tristan bitting the Snuggly carrier!