Ahhhh Homelife
Josh was on a 4 day pass so we got a lot accomplished. We took a truckload over to Goodwill, cleaned out the garage, unpacked a lot of boxes, and hung most of the pictures up finally. I also cleaned!! It's aboot time, I know. OMG let me just share something with anyone who has never had to deal with military-related happenstances. There are few times where one might be doing laundry, catch a whiff of something, and want to just throw it away... FTX laundry falls into that category. FTX stand for Field Training Exercise and is basically a camping trip with bullets, tear gas, and lots of weapons and exercise. Josh's ripest uniforms were lovingly packed in large ziplock bags, to preserve their freshness I imagine. Josh said he would do it, but I had time. He would have reached into those nasty, sweat dampened, muddy, sandy, green socks to pull them right-side in. He would have dug through all the dirty pockets, looking for anything that required saving or tossing. He wou...