Archaeological Findings

After dinner we usually go outside and play for about an hour. Yesterday we played "archaeologist". I found some cool stuff in my backyard! I think we almost have an entire cat skeleton. As gross as that sounds to some of you, to me it's very exciting and fun. Quite the learning experience :) We also found an interesting agate-ish stone. It is obviously polished which could mean that someone bought the stone and carelessly threw it into the backyard for whatever reason. Yay!

I used to play archaeologist all the time when I was little. My mom even got me an art bin, which resembled a caboodle, which is like a toolbox for make-up. Anyway, so I used to have a few dental tools my mom had acquired for various crafting projects, a paintbrush (for dusting), a little chisel, and a spade. I also had a few other things in there, maybe some cloth or something. I LOVED that stupid art bin. I found all kinds of fun stuff in the backyard :) We dug up an entire birdbath, a real actual horseshoe from a horse, old toys, wood from a gazebo, a petrified tree branch. All kinds of fun memories. My mom always fueled our imaginations, she is awesome!


Pam said…
I loved playing archaologist when I was little too! I'll always remember that feeling of digging up a "treasure."

So you dug up a cat huh? We figure someday some kid is going to hit the mother lode of hamsters at our old house. I'm allergic to pretty much everything, but it worked out ok with my allergies for Liz to have hamsters. There are probably 5 or 6 buried out there!

Noah is impossibly cute, by the way. And nice pic of you (I'm assuming that's you)!
Allison said…
we didn't actually dig up a whole cat... just randomly keep finding bones everywhere. I can just tell by the jaw that it's a small carnivore, most likely a cat.

we had about a gazillion pets buried in our backyard. parakeets, gunies pigs, ducks, cats, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits.

thanks! I know he is the cutest EVER!! he has the personality to go with it too. and yes that's me at 7yrs old.
Britni said…
I loved doing those things when I was little too :)I always tried to try to find treasure though.That picture is so cute of you when you were little!

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