no sir I don't like it

It's 82 today. That's just a little too hot for February in my humble opinion. Soon enough I will be knee deep in snow, wondering why I ever missed the cold. I see myself trying desperately to tug mittens on Noah's little hands for the 20th time in one day, kicking myself for having wanted him to experience snow so badly. I've got all the windows open, trying to get some air circulation up in here so I don't have to turn on my AC... in FEBRUARY! Texas is dumb. My house is 79 degrees, but the breeze makes it feel more like a comfy 74. I'm so glad I got those new windows so that I actually have screens that do well to keep the bees and flies outside.

I had my OB orientation today. What a waste of time! All I did was sit for an hour and fill out paperwork. It wasn't too bad until the AirForce CPT got up to talk... you could tell she was military because she was over-explaining and giving examples for EVERYTHING! Maybe I just felt on edge because I knew my sitter had to be back to work by 3 and it was already 2:15 and I still hadn't made my initial appointment. I learned a few things, though. There's a free playgroup on base for 2-4 year olds on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 0930-1100. I plan on taking Noah tomorrow. Maybe I'll meet some decent, sane, stay-at-home military moms that can maybe watch Noah for an hour here or there while I go to these baby appointments. Otherwise I will have a toddler who knows entirely too much about the female body. I'm sure Noah misses playing with other kids. He still remembers how to share, thankfully. He's a very compassionate little guy, very aware of others... yet he still likes to randomly hit people with objects. Go figure. So... if I feel OK and remember tomorrow, I'll let you all know how the playgroup went :)


Pam said…
That must be so hard to not have any help or just someone right there going through the same stuff -- being military, a mom, and pregnant. :-/
I hope the playgroup works out. And I hope you have a ton of fun with your family and showing Noah the snow!
Pam said…
Oh, and I love the new pics of you and Noah!
Britni said…
You two look very much alike Allie!!!
I don't know how you do it by yourself would be very hard.It's tough even right now for me & I have a lot of help from Mark.The bigger your belly gets the harder it is!I get so winded carrying Ava anymore!You are doing a great job though & should be proud of yourself.You have a good attitude about it oo :)

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