It's not that I hate sunshine...

The weather's been nice so we've been getting lots of exercise, going to the Duck Park and whatnot.
Noah and I are going to Ohio for a couple weeks to play in the snow with our family :) We're leaving on Saturday! I want to see everyone before I get too big to fly. The whole family was shocked and excited to hear the news and can't wait for our arrival. YAY! I'm sure I'll eventually miss the sun, but I love hot chocolate and sleds and snow and layering clothes and being with family. It will be a welcomed break from the monotony of my life. I've had a bad case of pregnancy insomnia. I have nightmares about forgetting Noah and losing him. I feel really absent-minded all day long, rushed and forgetful. I need a break :P We found a new park! We're going back out there today to have a BBQ. I will get pictures this time.

Now for the mushy stuff ;) Today is an anniversary for Josh and I. We call it our "Double C Day" for reasons only we know. We celebrate this day instead of Valentine's Day. We had known each other for a couple months, but on this day 4 years ago we actually realized we needed to be together. We started dating that day and couldn't get enough of each other! Although later on in life this story will be painfully used as blackmail from our children because 6 weeks later we got married. Josh was only 19, I was only 21. Luckily we made it, but we've had a lot of problems thanks to our short engagement and inexperience. Everything happens the way it does for a reason. Deployments and fights and mistakes and forgiveness and change. Everything had to be just right for our personalities to be able to handle the strain and stay married. I don't regret anything, but I'll be damned if I let our kids do what we did haha.


Pam said…
Congrats on the anniversary!
My parents eloped when they were 19 and are going on 54 years of marriage. Joe and I met when I was here in MN staying with my grandparents for a few months. We became great friends. I went home to OR... We burned up the phone lines, had a long-distance romance, saw each other a couple of times, got engaged, and married at 21. Then I got pregnant six months later. We will celebrate our 25th anniversary this year. No regrets here, either!

Have a great time in the snow!
Allison said…
That's great! :) My parents are approaching their 50th and were married at 18 and 21. My sister and her husband have been married for over 20 and they were basically engaged on their 2nd date, she was 21. I guess it's just all about your attitudes going into it... oh and the love ;)

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