Birthday Blog

Yesterday was great! I took the boys to Fort Discovery, which is a big science museum. Noah is still a little young for all the exhibits, but he still had a lot of fun. Tristan crawled around for awhile in the little kids room, but for the most part he just hung out in the carrier and soaked in the sights. I think next time I will bring the stroller. It was our first visit so I didn't know how crowded or stroller friendly it would be.

We came home for lunch and Josh had sneaked in earlier and left my present and a card on the dining table. He got me a drawing pen and pad for the computer!! I can't wait to hook it up and start practicing my computer art :D He also had a song playing on repeat for me that reminds him of moi :) It was quite romantic (it's country, you've been warned if you hate country). That's my baby. It's nice to have him home.

Look At You Girl Chris LeDoux

Once Josh got home we headed out to Carrabbas Italian Grill and it was SOOOOO GOOOOD! We splurged and got appetizers AND dessert :) I told Josh if he mentioned to anyone it was my birthday I would hire a singing clown to come to his work for his birthday. No songs for me!! :D Both the boys did really well and had taken long naps after the museum so we also took in a movie... Kung Fu Panda... it was an awesome legend of awesomeness and legendary legends of awesomenicity!! It was hilarious and Tristan did great! I fed him somewhere in the middle and he drifted off a couple times, but he mostly watched the show. He was interested in all the colors and sounds on the HUGE screen, I'm sure.

I took a few photos at the museum, but none were so uber great that I simply must upload and share... at least not right this very second. OK so that's that :) Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes on here, on Myspace, and via telefono!


Haley Elizabeth said…
Happy Birthday Allie! That sounds like a really nice birthday. I'm glad you got your wish for him not to leave. :)
Britni said…
That song is so cute! I think you have a very sweet man on your hands there!

I am glad you had a fun day at the museum. We brought Ava & Ember to the history museum a while back & she loooved it.....even the dead animals...haha...she had no idea that they were dead stuffed animals . She just thought they were so cute!

I have to e-mail you here pretty soon . I have a question for you. Talk to you soon!

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