We're Home (and I finally am going to blog)

We made it home from Ohio! YAY!! Driving at night is better for the kids (and therefore better for us) but it's ROUGH! The drive home is always worse than the drive there. Anyway...

We had a great visit. I finally got to show Josh Mill Creek Park and the Nelson-Kennedy Ledges. I forgot to bring my camera to Mill Creek. Oh well! We got to see everyone and had ample time to visit with all the family... well almost all. I would have liked to visit with Rachel, Daniel, and Ben more, but life is life. I think 2 weeks was just long enough, but not too long. We were able to attend Caleb's graduation party. He graduated top 10% of his class, got to sit on the stage during graduation :) Way to go Caleb!! We got some nice family pictures taken down by the creek. And much fun was had by all. I think I'm just going to post some pictures and leave it at that. I just don't feel like writing and I feel that pictures do indeed speak louder than words sometimes. I haven't even finished downloading all the ones from my camera... and then there's the editing. I'm exhausted already.

**that slideshow was crap so I deleted it, click on the flickr badge if you want to see the pics from Ohio**

We have a few news tidbits. Josh got offered a job in DC. DC is a lot closer to Ohio!! We don't know if we're taking it yet. Tristan cut 4 more teeth (all on top) while we were in Ohio and took it like a champ. Bosley still remembers us and was ecstatic to see us home.


Britni said…
What great pictures! You look so pretty in all your family shots! Love the colors of your dress!

Tristan is getting so big and is so adorable & so is Noah of course!

I wish we could have gotten together. We were only in town for a few hours on Sunday & Ava was having belly issues so it just didn't work out! We will get together though next time you are in town!!!!! I will make sure of it!

I am glad you had a fun time with your family. I always love when Mark can come along & spend time with my family too. I love Mill Creek Park & Nelson Ledges. I'll have to bring Mark & the girls there next time we visit. I never have!
Haley Elizabeth said…
I love all the pictures from ohio. I'm glad you guys had a great time. I haven't been to Nelson Ledges in forever! I had so much fun there when I was in HS. Was this the first time Josh got to come to Ohio? If you guys move to DC, you'll be only 3 hours away from me! We could hang out sometimes :)

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