Our Father's Day was pretty low-key. Josh slept in while we snuck out to get him some donuts. Noah was excited when he woke up because he was finally allowed to give Daddy the card he made for him. He wrote all the letters himself. I just had to tell him which one came next :)
We went out to lunch and shopped around a little. Then Josh went to his soccer game and we stayed here (Tris was still down for his nap). When Tris woke up I took the boys and Bosley for a walk in the woods. Josh got done with his game and we grilled up some steaks. It was like every other weekend, but there was a card involved.
I loooove your jogging stoller!! I want one sooo bad. Hopefully once I start watching the girls we'll be able to get one for me :DI think I would just get a one seater like you did. I would be going early in the morning most likely with Ember.
Our Father's Day was low key too as was our Mother's Day...just cards, hugs & kisses. Everyday I am a mother & everyday Mark is a father so I don't need a holiday to be recognized! :)
Great pictures! Nothing like going to a beautiful park on a nice day. Bosley is such a nice fit into your family!
Great job on the card Noah. Dylan made Dave a couple art projects and a card. I think gifts from the heart are best. So nice though that you got to spend it together this year.
We're still going strong with our happiness levels out here. Yesterday was a little bit rough because Tristan was especially whiney, but today was amazing :) We got our grocery shopping done and even managed to have fun doing that! Noah and I were singing Christmas songs already while Tris and Bren laughed at us. Tristan sometimes piped in with a "all the way" when we were singing Jingle Bells. Noah was cracking up when I sang him the Batman version :D After all that excitement the 2 wee ones went down for their naps and Noah and I gave Bosley a bath with his new tea extract shampoo. He looks and smells so wonderful now :) He was in such a good mood after that too! Noah made a concoction of plum leaves, olives, dirt, and paper which he called "olive a cado". While he was doing his own grocery shopping I was taking some macro shots with my new focus point knowledge. I'm very happy. I thought I loved my camera before! Anyway... We also built a littl...
We almost ended up with a puppy today. An adorable baby Jack Russell Terrier mix wandered into our yard. He was very sweet, laid back, flea-ridden, dirty, cute, a little broken, good temperament, un-fixed, and very very good with Noah and Emma. I asked the neighbors about him and they showed me where the owner lived. She took him inside and told me how he's driving her crazy because he chews through collars and gets out of the yard (which is because he's a puppy and not an outside breed). She mentioned possibly getting rid of him. Lo and behold he wandered back into our yard not too long after that... interesting. I wanted to adopt him because he was unwanted, but shouldn't have been. He was a very sweet dog. I would have called him Jackie I think :) This brings me to a rant. I know I've posted about the way people around here treat their pets. This is a perfect example. This lady didn't want the puppy anymore so she simply let it go. No collar, no tags...
Hooray Hooray Noah turned six today!! We had such a great day today!!! Noah wanted pancakes and bacon for breakfast... 6 small pancakes (and one shaped like a 6 to "grow on" from Mommy). He did a fun little scavenger hunt for his big present, which was a lego Star Wars ship that he and Daddy built together all morning. Noah had that ship with him all day long. He also got a goggle and snorkel set from Tristan and a Ben 10 kite and frisbee from Brennan. We spent all day playing together, laughing together, talking, hugging, kissing, wrestling, tickling, napping... it was perfect. We went to the park to fly his kite before dinner and cake and it actually made it up a few times, but there wasn't enough wind to keep it there. Noah didn't care! He was just happy to run with a kite. We all took turns trying to make it fly. Daddy taught him how to throw and catch his new frisbee and he's already a champ at throwing. Catching is a different story lol. Adriana...
Our Father's Day was low key too as was our Mother's Day...just cards, hugs & kisses. Everyday I am a mother & everyday Mark is a father so I don't need a holiday to be recognized! :)
Great pictures! Nothing like going to a beautiful park on a nice day. Bosley is such a nice fit into your family!