Happy Birthday to Me!!!

GUESS WHAT!!! The powers that be took that 1% chance and made it happen... he's not going to deploy!! :D What a great birthday present :)

Once his chain of command found out about some other (not so "special") guys coming back to the unit, they took Josh out and put them in for the deployment. They said "no way you're leaving, we need you!". I am so relieved!! We WILL get to spend Josh's birthday, Noah's birthday, Tristan's birthday, Thanksgiving, the Bubba Run, Christmas, and New Year's together as a FAMILY!! That would have been a LOT to miss.

I still can't believe it!! :D :D :D

Thanks everyone for your support! I'm so happy he's staying! :D


Jen said…
Happy birthday ! I am so happy he isn't going either..what are the odds? I cant wait to hear all about the plans you have now that he'll be home!

Nerdular said…
YAAAAYYYY!!! I was SO hoping for that 1%. You guys have been through enough!!!
Britni said…
Happy Birthday Allie!!! I thought about you yesterday! I hope you had a wonderful day as a family. What GREAT news too about Josh no being deployed. I am so happy for you guys !
Amalia said…
Happy Birthday! I am so sorry its late. Transistion has been pretty nerve racking for me. I hope it was a good one.

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