
So Josh's 6am-6pm shift stretched into a 6am-2am shift and then he also had to go back in from 10-3pm today. Apparently some idiots thought it would be a good idea to OD on sudafed and vicodin and were making poor-man's meth in their barracks room. 2 were hospitalized, 10 are on lock-down. Josh asked for Monday off, they said no because they need him to run. Pshaww! Good thing we're leaving again. Josh's Dad got us plane tickets to go out and visit them for a week. YAY!


Jen said…
For some reason a vacation seems like a good idea, I just cant put my finger on why??!!!

Hope things get better!!
How are you babies?

Britni said…
They are just working him too hard!

I am so glad you guys get to get out of town for a week. It will be so good for you!
Amalia said…
I love privates...not the good kind. The army kind.

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