Nap Time Makes a Comeback!

Noah hasn't napped in almost a year... ok once or twice in front of the tv or on his floor. The point is he is "done" napping. NOT TODAY! Lately he's been getting really snippy with me and I thought maybe it was because he was tired so I reinstated nap time. He went right to sleep. We'll see if that brightens his mood. I'm crossing my fingers. He will be up any second. He was going crazy punching things and sporadically yelling about nothing. He is a violent child if he's tired. I think he got that from me. I have a fuse about 1/16th of a millimeter long when I'm tired. He also wouldn't listen to me and I get pretty tired of yelling. SO... both of my sweet princes are napping at the same time. It's so quiet in here!! I actually did all my laundry and the dishes, vacuumed the whole house... oh wait, not the stairs yet. I sure missed nap time! I'm so thrilled about this hour of peace I think the boys and I will make some muffins when they awake :) Noah has been begging me to make blueberry-banana muffins. Never tried that before. I think that sounds like a delicious idea.


Britni said…
It's so funny becauseeveryday I manage to get all 4 kids down for naps & the house is so quiet it 's eerie! Today I was so bored & ended up watching HGTV after straighting the house up. The babies are up now but the older girls are still snoozing. i'll have to go wake Ava or she will sleep until 5:30! I hope Noah takes naos for you every day now!

Ava skips her nap once or twice a week but it's usually because I chose to go out with her instead but then she is a basket case by 5:30pm & I always regret it!Send me your # again &maybe I'll give you a ring during nap time sometime next week!
Haley Elizabeth said…
I love naptime. Thankgoodness Haley still loves her naps. She is a kid that doesn't need one but I still put her down anyway. I have been seeing more signs of tiredness if she doesn't have one. Like today,she slept like 1/2 hour just in the car b/c we were taking Dave to the ship, she was a basket case in Kohl's. Not sure why. She wanted to play with her new Diego toy we hadn't bought yet. You never know how they are going to be though. Good for you reinstating nap time is a great idea and defintely gives you more sanity when Josh works such long hours now. Good luck with it and I hope it continues!!!
Amalia said…
I love nap time. I mean, they should continue up until adulthood. I say we start the siesta concept here in the states. However, I do love the productivity of when the boy (sometimes boys) are asleep and I am able to do homework in peace.

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