So Begins the School Years

Noah has officially started school! From this year forward he will basically have a job. He will meet new people, learn new things, and discover more about the world around him.

I didn't cry at all. I almost did because I thought he was nervous. He was sitting off to the side away from his classmates, claiming there wasn't enough room to sit with them (he was right, really). Looking back I think he was planning out his entire entrance... where to sit, what to do with his bag. That's his personality.

Once it was time to go in, he walked into the classroom (practically body-checking people out of the way) and immediately hung up his backpack... never looking back for us. He's juuuust fine. I had him dressed all cute, but it was impractical to wear long sleeves so he took the shirt off before class. I got enough pics of him in it though :)

I am going to take a little after school video interview I think. I bet he'll have tons to say. The only thing I am truly worried about is that he won't have enough time to eat his lunch. He gets 25 minutes, but Noah is such a slow eater. He'll learn!


Britni said…
Awwww! He looks so adorable in his new outfit!!
Well that's good you didn't cry but I even got teary looking at the pictures. Do they go all day now or does that start next year for Kindergarten? I can't wait to hear how his 1st day went :)
What is the main language they teach at his school? I started French public school at 4 years old and my Mom said it was so hard to leave me there. Kids blend in so quickly though it's amazing. They are quick to learn :)

Noah was so brave today, you should be really proud of him!
Michelle said…
I am very jealous at the clarity and clearness of your camera, btw.

Noah looks pretty excited! I hope he had a great day. I was going to tape Jake after his first day too, but all he would say was "AHHHHHH" and stick his tongue out. He's so uncooperative at times.
Amalia said…
Wow, I can't believe it still. I am looking forward to the interview, its an excellent Idea!
Allison said…
Michelle: It took me forever to "allow" myself to spend so much money on a camera, but I LOVE it and I don't regret the expense! There's such a huge difference in my pictures now. I can finally take the pics that I want and they come out the way I saw them in my head. I had to learn a lot before that could happen, but again... well worth it!
Babs Haake said…
I got all sad looking at Jacob and Noahs first day of school. Our babies are getting so big now. They have a lot to look forward to now and I am excited for them....and you girls too.
Nerdular said…
so cute :) i hope school is everything he wanted it to be.
Great pictures. I am sure it was bittersweet. He will love making friends and I'm sure he'll figure out to speed up his eating after a couple of days.

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