We're Still Alive! haha
I know I haven't been really good at updating lately. Sorry everyone! Here's a visual of Noah's bed/clubhouse on the floor. This was Noah yesterday morning. I woke up an hour before everyone else did. It was nice and quiet. Great for coffee drinking :) Shortly after that Josh woke up and we had our coffee together and he went off to work. Tristan was upstairs just jabbering away in the port-a-crib. I went in to get him and his entire left side was soaked in... whatever fluids leaked out of his diaper EWWW! He got a bath. He loves baths because he loves being naked. We've been having a lot of fun during the day. I noticed Noah's behavior was getting out of control and I realized it was due to lack of personal attention. Josh and I make sure we spend quality alone time with Noah every day and he's been MUCH better. He's back to his old self. Poor Noah-Boah. We bought him 7 new dinosaur puzzles from Michael's because they were on clearance for...