Packing Up and Shipping Out

December 17th and 18th were our packing and moving days. They showed up on the 17th and packed everything up in boxes and then loaded it all up on the 18th. Everything we wanted to take with us in the car to cover our 2+ weeks on the road we stuck out on the deck. We had to install a luggage rack onto the Honda and then get a bin for the top.... a huge one. We were sooooo cramped in the car! There wasn't an inch of space left and it drove me CRAZY.

Our house was covered in dirt, dust, and boxes... floor to ceiling boxes. I couldn't believe how much crap we have. I even cleaned out clutter for months as we were waiting to see what was going to happen with us. I had entire curbs full of junk for the trashmen, but still... floor-to-ceiling boxes!

Karrie and Clint let us stay at their place for 2 nights while we cleaned our empty house. CJ was nice enough to surrender his bed to Josh and I and Noah just passed out on the floor next to us. Tristan was in his portable crib at the foot of the bed. It sounds cramped, but it was surprisingly very comfortable. They are like family to us so we felt very at home.

We cleaned and painted for 3 days. Karrie helped me clean the kitchen and that alone took us 7 hours!!! GAH! It's because we're total perfectionists. Thanks so much again you guys for all your help. I didn't get any pictures of the house after we cleaned it all out because the battery died on my camera and I didn't have the strength to try and find the charger in the piles of luggage we had stuffed into the Honda. We even threw things into the Saturn because we knew they'd be shipping it to us before our "Army" shipment arrived. So so so much crap... sigh. I'm glad it's over. I'm also glad the Army took care of the actual packing and moving. We had enough to do.


Britni said…
I didn't realize the army packed you guys up, that is great! Karrie & Clint are true friends, too bad you couldn't pack them up in your Honda! I am sure you will miss them. I hope you guys meet some great friends soon in Gorgia.

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