Giraffe From Grandma and Grandpa H.

Gma and Gpa H. got Tristan this adorable ride-on for his first birthday. Isn't is soooo cute?! :D Noah loves it too, but is really good about letting Tristan get on whenever he wants (since it is his toy, after all). Tristan's little legs don't even touch the ground yet so he can't scoot along on his own, but Noah pushes him around the room. He's such a good big brother :) Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!! Great pick!


Britni said…
Hehe! It's so cute!!! He looks like he loves it! That is so sweet that Noah is so good about sharing :)What a good big brother.
Haley Elizabeth said…
That is so adorable!! Haley saw it and said she wants to ride it haha. I told her it was for babies, and she said I'm not a baby anymore haha. Anyway, it looks like Tristan loves it! What a great big brother Noah is being letting his brother play. It's amazing they actually do learn! haha
Anonymous said…
oh my goodness...tristan's face in that second photo. GREAT! that is seriously the cutest toy. i want to be a kid again!
Babs Haake said…
Did Noah get his gift yet? I was hoping they would arrive in the same package. bummer. He was good about not being jealous though. Maybe they can share the bath tub BATHKETBALL too.
Amalia said…
Ah, those are great pics. Noah is a good brother, I think Matthew would be too, its just a matter of me wanting more, seeing how Noah is with Tristan makes me want more.

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