Tristan's First Birthday!!

I can't believe Tristan is one year old already!! It really came up on us fast. I didn't cry or anything so that's cool haha. I still feel like he's my little baby and probably won't cry until his 3rd or 4th birthday when he suddenly looks like a kid. Tris must have thought it was our birthday because the little angel slept until 9:30 this morning! Way to go, Tristan!!! :D

I was worried we weren't going to be able to go to the aquarium at all today. Last night the news was all about scaring people into staying in their homes. The gas stations on base ran out of fuel and were reporting that local gas stations in the area were experiencing the same shortage due to Hurricane Ike in Texas. I say it wasn't the hurricane at all, it was the mob of people who decided they needed to fill every tank and container they own before gas jumped up "like the news said". Well yes, gas did jump up in price, but is that really a reason to get greedy and psycho?! Goodness. Anyway... the gas stations weren't out of gas and the price had jumped another 80 cents a gallon, but it was Tristan's FIRST BIRTHDAY so we just had to go.

The aquarium in Atlanta is the largest aquarium in the world!! Oddly enough they didn't have a dolphin exhibit, but there is one under construction that should be finished by 2010 so I suppose we can forgive them ;) Tristan was in Heaven, as was Noah, which had Daddy and I both walking on air. They were enthralled at every turn. The tanks there are ginormous. It's hard to really capture the hugeness of these fish within the tanks, but there were whale sharks... PLURAL... swimming among other gigantoids with plenty of room to spare. You can kind of get a grasp of the enormity in the picture. Josh and the fish were not too far apart... and that was one of the "smaller" guys in there. They had a few of those tunnels to walk through as part of the monstrous tanks so these super-sized giants could swim over the crowds. The tank in the picture is actually one of the smaller tanks, but I could actually get a decent shot of this one. It's 2 pictures stitched together. Can you find Josh and the boys? Now how about the man that appears twice (once in each shot)?

There were also smaller fish of interest. Noah found a pair of "kissy fish" and thought they were the coolest thing ever. He got the attention of everyone else in the tunnel, which was cool because all those spectators needed to see the kissing fish!! Noah really loved the jellyfish thanks to spongebob and Finding Nemo. We actually watched Finding Nemo and The Little Mermaid on the way to the aquarium to prep the boys for the day ahead. And in answer to your question, yes... Josh and I did sing the songs haha :) We took a picture in front of the Nemo tank. All the fish from Finding Nemo were in there so it was fun for the boys to see the real versions.

After the aquarium we stopped by Toys R Us to get Tristan a couple gifts. He loves his new guitar! We also got him a push-toy to encourage him to walk more often! Wish us luck with that one haha. Tristan and Noah both did really well all day. They were well-behaved and happy no matter where we were. We had a great time! Tomorrow we're going to do cake and ice cream for Tristan. We just ran out of time due to the long drive.


Britni said…
Happy Birthday Tristan!!!!

That aquarium looks awesome! Our girls would have been amazed too! They love the aquarium at out zoo & it's nothing comparedto that one!(They will never know though,lol :) I think there is one in Cincinnati. Maybe we'll go there someday!

I bet Tristan loves having his car seat facing forward! Ember was super excited about that :)
Amalia said…
Happy Birthday Tristan!! That aquarium sounds soo cool! I would love to see it. I wonder why I didn't when I visited... It was years ago, so maybe it wasn't built yet? I think I will add that stop to the road trip across america when I get my "ARR-VI [in randy quaid voice]." Congrats on 2 beautiful boys.
Haley Elizabeth said…
Happy 1st Birthday Tristan!! It seems like just yesterday Allie you were pregnant with him. The year really flew by! That aquarium looks awesome! I really wish that was closer to us to go see. I'm amazed at the whale sharks you saw, and two of them to! I thought those were on the almost extint list. We saw a shark movie at our aquarium and they showed all the different sharks and the ones that were endangered. That trip sounds so much fun. I'm glad the family liked it! How was cake and ice cream?? I love birthday cake!!

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