2am 2yr old

Noah had trouble staying asleep last night. He was up at 1am crying, but couldn't tell me why. Went back to sleep. Up again at 1:30 and felt hot so I gave him some motrin. Went back to sleep. Up again at 1:45 totally freaking out so I rushed in there and he was holding his index finger out. I said "what happened? are you hurt? what happened to your finger?!" and he exclaimed "ANT ON IT". He was absolutely convinced there were ants in his bed. I've seen enough television and movies to know not to dismiss what a child says right away. Otherwise gremlin-like creatures, robbers, rapists, swarms of ginormous mosquitoes, all the other Biblical plagues, and aliens will suddenly pour out of his closet and kill everyone... all because I didn't just check when he said something was wrong. I did find a fly in the hallway and trapped it in the bathroom. He was happy when I told him I found the bug and it was in the bathroom and couldn't get him. OK so back to sleep again.

2am rolls around and he's freaking out again... I go to look and he's tearing blankets off the bed, talking about "ants on it". I got him out of bed and brought him to my room to watch some Roseanne and forget about the whole bug situation. He kept bringing up the bug in the bathroom. I knew what I had to do. I checked his bed and his room again for any type of bug. I went into the bathroom with a flyswatter and killed the crap outta that evil fly. I brought the tiny carcass to my man-boy to prove to him I had killed the heinous creature. He was satisfied. We watched TV for a bit more to try and wipe his little slate clean. I know it requires a lot of distraction for me to get over a roach encounter. At 2:30 I decided he was distracted enough. I made him a waffle and let him take it to bed (you know, to attract bugs haha). He finally fell back asleep and stayed asleep.

I don't know if he was hallucinating from a fever (which seems unlikely since he wasn't THAT hot) or just being paranoid. I think he was just at the point between awake and asleep where most of the "freak out" occurrences happen and felt itchy and saw bugs as the culprit. Maybe he had a bad dream or something. Whatever it was, it's over and he's fine and happy today. I'm a bit tired, but coffee and a decent breakfast will fix that.


Britni said…
That is so funny...but you must be exhausted now!Ava loves ants but she wouldn't be able to sleep if she thought they were in her bed! :)
I am cracking up over hear reading this story. Too funny, poor little guy, I remember one night my husband Chad had a dream that there were snakes in our bed and I woke up to him squirmming in his sleep. It was funny. Lily hates bugs and ants. When she sees them outside she says Gross, Ants:)
Pam said…
Poor Noah...(and poor you). It's hard when you're not sure what's scaring them. My son used to have "night terrors" (that's what the doctor called them) right around the time he was phasing out naps. He'd wake up in the middle of the night screaming, but he wouldn't really be awake. Really creepy because his eyes would be open but he'd be looking right through me. I sure was glad when those stopped!

As for the ants, they weren't fire ants, but I had ants in my pants once! That's a blog post just waiting to be written. If I ever get back to blogging again...

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