Fun Day Yesterday :)

Our day started off cute as always. We let Jellybean out for some exercise and she attacked Noah with her little cold wet nose. I'm surprised she loves him. I think he's mean to her, but I guess she's a glutton for punishment. I didn't turn the computer on until bedtime yesterday! I was pretty proud of myself. Today I had to turn it on to look at computers since Josh's is about to die... and you know, one thing leads to another :P Anyway... yesterday was such a nice day we just HAD to go to the zoo. Noah was such a good boy!! I just couldn't believe how well-behaved he was the entire time. He was a little angel. AND he actually ATE FOOD! hahaha... this is a big deal to me. Not only did he eat food, he ate an apple and rice!!! :O I was in shock. I think the lack of TV for him and addition of outside play and mommy time did a lot of good.

My favorite part of the day was when Noah drew his own spiders. I love art and if my son shows even any remote interest in art I get excited. Look how lifelike his little red spiders are! Of course a boy would want to draw spiders... not flowers or rainbows or kitties or people, just big red dots with lines sticking out of them. That's my boy :)

I talked to a mom I met through cafemom on Yahoo yesterday. She has a daughter who is only a month younger than Noah and a 10mo old boy. She seems really fun and laid back and I can't wait to actually hang out with her. We only live like 10 minutes away from each other. In other words... I think I may have made a friend :O A friend?! ME?! I know, shocking. Oh and this weekend I'm taking Noah to see "Shrek the Third" because I am dying to see it. OK I am now going to shut the computer off and walk away. GO ME!


Britni said…
That is so cute that he drew his own spiders,he did great!!!
I am the same way with art & I think Ava picks up on it too.She loooves to draw :)

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