Weekend Update with Allie

We've been having a lot of rain, but as soon as it cleared up we were busy exercising. The day before the big storms was extra hot and humid outside so I filled the pool up for Noah to swim. He went all in this time. I think swimming at the pool at Vita's apartment helped him be less scared of the water. Maybe I should get a bigger pool. I was trying to keep him from pooping in his bathing suit (again) so I had him in a diaper at first. This proved to be ineffective, but quite entertaining. The diaper swelled to an outrageous size and started slipping off of him so he went inside to change... "Come on Mommy need change, water, need suit". After that he was switching from swimming to sunning with me. He was like an ice cube!

Thursday was when the thunderstorms finally let loose. That day Noah found his snow hat and mittens again and wanted to wear them. I think he believes that wearing them will summon the snow and magically transport him to Ohio to play with Jake and Haleigh. We sat in the garage and watched the storm. He looked like he was conducting the rain. After that he wanted to go for a drive and find puddles to make big splashes in with the car. Of course we did it :) We also went and hung out at the duck park for a little bit so Mommy could take more nature pictures (which I won't bore everyone with). That's my new hobby. I love birds and I've been finding, identifying, and cataloging all kinds of fun species of birds. I can't wait to go back to Ohio! The only interesting birds here are the waterfowl.

I also finally snapped and yelled at a group of middle-schoolers who were chasing ducks and cussing. Imagine a group of 5 boys trying to impress the one female of the herd by showing dominance over nature... and also throwing her to the "wild beasts" to have the opportunity to touch her and protect her. Every time a duck would fly away they would loudly exclaim "HOLY SHIT". It's so shocking an animal will run away when you chase it and throw things at it. It was almost like watching an idiot mating dance. When they started in on the ducklings I finally yelled "LEAVE THE DUCKS ALONE! GOD, AREN'T YOU OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER!". Then Noah kept repeating "Leave duck ALONE!". Come to think of it Noah actually started it because he was yelling at them to leave the ducks alone before I did. Anyway :)

Yesterday it cleared up for a few hours after naptime so I took Noah and Emma out to Brackenridge Park again (we're watching Emma this weekend). Emma was really good the entire drive there and back and at the park. I will probably take her with us more often now that I know. The water had flooded one of the roads and made the waterfall a lot more interesting (and scary for me). It wasn't too crowded thanks to the storms which is good news to someone like me who doesn't like interacting with strangers... especially dumb teenagers who chase animals and swear a lot. We brought a little bit of food for us and some bread for the ducks. Noah had a great time feeding the ducks and I had a great time getting some more nature shots. The lighting was crappy and it was difficult to take pictures with a toddler and a dog, but I was still glad for the opportunity.


Britni said…
You are so funny,haha :)I love reading your posts!Noah is so cute.It sounds like you two have so much fun together.I love that your chldren usually enjoy the things you enjoy...Ava like a lot of things I like...I know that might change,but I'm enjoying it now!
We love watching thunderstorms too...Although our dog Logan gets sooo scared.He plasters himself to me and shakes like she is having a seizure(sp?!).
Those are all great pictures!We love taking pictures in this household too.Especially when we go to parks...there are a ton of ictures that we don't post because we don't want to ore people too...like pictures of icles on tree branches,water drops on leaves and strange looking twig bugs...haha.It will be fun getting together soon,we will have to go to a park!
Jen said…
Ok so you like to identify birds, go on Lilly's page and tell me what kind of bird that is.Then let me know how the heck it got in our house!! Good to see you had fun in the rain, I used to watch thunderstorms on my grandpas front porch, now we don't have a porch. I miss those days! How are you feeling by the way! Seems great to me if you have enough energy to chase puddles. ttys

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