Sunday... Day of Rest?

This weekend is a bit blurry for me. I know what I did, but I can't recall which days I did it on. We got a notice that it's the time of year for brush and bulky item trash pickup again. Saturday I spent a few hours pushing everything out of the garage onto the curb. That was fun... NOT. I still want to go through the shed in back. We have until the 28th to do it. Already the neighborhood vultures have picked certain items from my pile. The vacuum cleaner that didn't work and the garage door opener that didn't work are examples, and also a rotten door frame. Why people take these things is beyond my comprehension, but the vacuum lasted maybe an hour. I'd like to see someone try and take that homemade ferret cage. I brought in my 0-3mos baby clothes too. I almost forgot how tiny babies are! Here's my pretty trash pile and my pretty garage.

We went and saw Shrek the Third on Sunday. It was so funny! I was happy to get out and do something remotely adult-like. I would have gone to see that movie even if I didn't have Noah. I love kid movies. They're clean and fun and very artistic. Yesterday and today I've been extremely tired and lazy. It hit me last night that I may be getting a little anemic so I took some Blackstrap Molasses (which provide 70% DV of iron per TBSP and don't cause constipation like iron pills). I feel better today than I did yesterday, but I'm still wore out. Coffee isn't working, sleep isn't working... it must be the iron, right?! I'll probably be OK tomorrow after a few more doses of the molasses. Noah's been bored I'm sure. He found my Germany beanie hat today and insisted on wearing it during naptime and almost the entire rest of the day. It was very humid outside so when the hat finally came off he was all gross and sweaty and swirly, but happy. He looked so cute :) It even matched his outfit. He just loves hats! Time for more molasses and then SLEEP. I hereby swear I will not get sucked into stupid sitcom reruns and just go to sleep by 11.

Oh I almost forgot... our friend Kevin called with some promising contact info for Josh. We might be getting some actual dates on his class and moving :O I'm not holding my breath, but I'm really glad to have another venue to try our luck!


Britni said…
Yikes!You make me nervous with all the physical things you do!Be careful Ms!
I'm glad Noah liked the movie!I think I will wait a little while before briging Ava to see a movie.Maybe around 2 years old for her Birthday would be a good time....
I like Shrek movies too.Honstly it's one of those movies that's a kids movie but they make a lot of it for the adults can tell by the jokes they throgh in that thats would never get! :)
Pam said…
Hi Allie - Hey, you've been doing the turn-the-computer-off thing too! It was kind of hard at first, but I've really been getting a ton done - sounds like you have too.

I hope you hear soon about the dates you're waiting for...

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