My Little Josh Clones

I posted this one on Myspace, but I forgot to post it here. I'm not as skinny as I look I swear. I am sucking it in and I hadn't eaten yet. After I eat I look about 3 months pregnant ;) But, yes... I am proud of how I bounced back and I appreciate the compliments people left me on Myspace.

Noah and I found this cool bug. No idea what it is... maybe a cicada? He keps calling it a grasshopper and I would say "yeah it does kind of look like a grasshopper, but I think it's something else". I hate when I don't know the actual name of something. I love being Mommy-knows-all with my kids. I guess eventually I won't be, but until that time comes I want them to think I am a genius hahhaha. I think that's reasonable ;)

Here's a picture of Tristan sitting up. I believe he stayed that way for a whole second! Just enough time for me to snap a picture. He looks like a disgruntled old man hehehe. I just love those big fat baby jowls.

Noah got more dinosaurs and couldn't be happier. He bathes with them, takes them outside, makes them fly around the house, sleeps with them. Thanks Pam, Glenn, Eric & Haleigh! I also got a cute little Pooh outfit for Tristan from them. I love my family :)

Noah decided his trike was broken and needed fixed. His version of fixing something is just to stick all kinds of scraps of whatever into it and bang around. He was telling me all about how everything was broken and he had to fix it. He's been fixing everything else in the house too.

Look at these precious little baby paws!! I want him to be tiny for much longer than is reasonable :)


Eric Jay said…
Heh... you said, "broken and needed fixed." I usually only hear that phrasing from people who grew up in Pittsburgh. Was your part of Ohio close enough to get some of that too?

Also, your little Josh Clones are adorable. =)
Allison said…
Eric- why yes I did! In fact, my brother lives there now. It's about 45 minutes away from where I grew up. My Dad was actually from Pennsyltucky. ;)
Britni said…
Yep people in Pittsburgh did use to say that!My manager use to say "Y'ins" all the time too.Meaning you guys...I think,haha.

It's funny how Noah likes to fix things.Ava will say "Oh no I ripped it"...or "Oh no,it boken"(broken)
She is more into helping me though then fixing things.She feels the need to help me do everything.It's cute really.I will be brushing my hair & she has to stand next to me & brush her hair too.I am always one step ahead and have a second brush on hand.It's funny how boys and girls are drawn to liking certain things like that.

I absolutely love that picture of Tristan.It gives you an idea of how he'll look once he's a bit older.They just change so much.I think once they start sitting up they look so different!I do think they both look so much like Josh!He must love that...and I'm sure it's nice for you to see him in them everyday :)
Britni said…
You look great in that 1st picture!You did bounce back quickly!For all of us other women it takes at least 6 months!!After having Ember it took me the exact same amount of time to lose my's funny to me how similar everything was with both of them & with me...if that made any sense.
I love your bug picture...I don't think I've ever seen one of those!
Haley Elizabeth said…
Darn you do look skinny! I sawt he picture and I was like UG! I hate her!!! haha. I'm sure you look great. You do seem to bounce back very easily. That is wonderful. It took me over a year to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. It's hard when you never had to diet and stuff before..

I love Noah's imagination. It's shows in these pictures you post. He seems like such a happy little boy. Tristian is so cute. I that is so fun he was sitting up like that. I love the last one with his hands. Babies are so precious. Have you done a mold with his hands and Noah's hands? That would be really cute to show that difference when he was first born.

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