Noah Update

Noah's been eating a whole lot better now. I don't have to argue with him EVERY time, just on a few occasions... which are never predictable. He recites his lines I gave him about eating in random orders as he goes "high 5! big and strong! muscles, grow big. me BIG BROTHER. chew and swallow. big like CJ. I like meat, mommy! I like food. I eat my food"... none of it really is in sentence form. He just will say a new catch phrase after every bite or so. The other day he ate salad AND ASKED FOR MORE! That's right, it's not a typo. I'm glad he's finally eating. Dinner is much more fun to cook now that I have someone to enjoy it with :)

He's still crazy as ever. I very seldom put him down for naps anymore. Really I just don't have the time if that makes any sense. Unless we have a very busy day or he wakes up early, he does fine without a nap. He's talking a whole lot more and I think it has a lot to do with him playing with CJ a lot. CJ is 5 and talks really well so Noah is getting tons of practice. Also Karrie will come over and he has to communicate with her as well. His vocab is being challenged!

I made Noah some number and letter flashcards and laminated them. It was a fun project for me :) I drew all kinds of cute pictures on the back of them too, but that picture didn't turn out too well. I couldn't use the flash because of the laminate so they're sorta blurry, but you get the general gist. Anyway... I was shocked at how many letters Noah already knew! He recognizes all but 8 letters, which isn't too shabby. He loves working with the flashcards because he watched me make all of them and even helped push the cards through the laminator. I am still working on getting him to even call numbers "numbers" instead of letters. I'm sure he'll learn 1-10 quickly though. He seems to be in a brain growth spurt. He'll repeat things I say and then give me synonyms he knows for the same thing. Example: today I said "the cup is empty" and he said "empty. all gone. no more. I drink it all. blue juice in my tummy" (it was blue gatorade). I love watching him learn and process his little thoughts :)

Karrie took these pictures of the boys with her camera. Unfortunately she ran out of natural light so they came out a bit blurry. The flash is just too stinkin' bright outside. Plus she was using my camera and isn't used to it. Karrie is a photographer too :) We are always talking about cute photo ops we could do. I think I am going to have her take Tristan's 2 month pictures. She's been dying to do a photo shoot with Tristan anyway :) CJ and Noah have been getting along a whole lot better than thy used to. I think they've figured out the "power structure" of their relationship or something. We hardly ever hear them fight anymore (knock on wood). They enjoy playing together. CJ is such a sweetheart for putting up with Noah. The age difference isn't huge, but it's definitely significant!


Britni said…
The cards you made came out great!I love the picture of the boys with their hands behind their heads,nice shot Karrie!It looks like the boys have lots of fun :)
Anonymous said…
God, I bet you feel so relieved Hoah is eating now. I can't wait for Haley to be like three so I don't have to fight her to eat dinner every night or make something special. It's driving me nuts!! I'm glad he's starting to corporate now!

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