Horror Movies

It bothers me that so many people liked "Saw" that there's a "Saw 5" now. That movie makes me sick to my stomach and I can't understand how it can be seen as entertainment... kind of like "A Clockwork Orange". I don't know if any woman can watch those painfully realistic rape scenes and only think about the underlying message of the movie. I guess I'm just a silly girl! I don't find torture entertaining, even if it isn't real. It worries me that other people are so desensitized that they can watch this and actually laugh or think it's cool. Horror movies now seem like competitions on who can make the most disgusting things happen and still get away with an R rating. No thanks! I'll stick with the "Nightmare Before Christmas" and "Hocus Pocus". Gotta love Bette Midler's face in that one!! I think I'll watch that one tonight :)


Britni said…
I will have to agree with you on that one. I have never been one for horror movies. Mark grew up watching them as a kid so he is use to them but I still have night mares if I watch anything scary,haha.
Allison said…
Josh is fine with them too... maybe it's just a guy thing. I can't stand violence! Maybe we should have a woman President ;) haha
Amalia said…
Man, is it that bad? I mean I don't like horror movies really. I will watch the occasional zombie movie, or ghost/thriller, but not gore. My brother is absolutely insisting I watch Saw I. He uses the fact that a member from the show Lost cast is on it. Maan. I would rather watch "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" or "harry potter."

Hey, if you are up for a laugh, Shaun of the Dead is hilarious. If you haven't already seen it.
I am completely with you here. I think it is horrible to take a movie to that extent. On top of that you do have crazy people out there who think "now thats an idea" It is sick and disgusting and I feel excuses shouldn't be made even if it means disrupting the writers creativity. What happened to good judgement and taste?
Babs Haake said…
I got up and left the theater when "Clockwork Orange" was showing in my day. I can't stand rape scenes. I worry that they show so much that it gives men a thrill and the ones who haven't hurt a women yet get some new ideas. Why do all the terrible things men do have to be so explicitely shown to the public?

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