Almost Doesn't Count

We almost ended up with a puppy today. An adorable baby Jack Russell Terrier mix wandered into our yard. He was very sweet, laid back, flea-ridden, dirty, cute, a little broken, good temperament, un-fixed, and very very good with Noah and Emma. I asked the neighbors about him and they showed me where the owner lived. She took him inside and told me how he's driving her crazy because he chews through collars and gets out of the yard (which is because he's a puppy and not an outside breed). She mentioned possibly getting rid of him. Lo and behold he wandered back into our yard not too long after that... interesting. I wanted to adopt him because he was unwanted, but shouldn't have been. He was a very sweet dog. I would have called him Jackie I think :) This brings me to a rant. I know I've posted about the way people around here treat their pets. This is a perfect example. This lady didn't want the puppy anymore so she simply let it go. No collar, no tags, wasn't fixed... just like the neglected pregnant cat I had in my shed. Once again it was one of those Mexican families that take little or no care of their animals. No shots, always dirty, health issues, too thin. Animals aren't toys.

In other news. My 20wk sonogram is tomorrow at 9am so expect pictures by noon at the latest. Noah was a bit bratty today, but good. I think it's because he's feeling ill. His nose is constantly in need of tissue and he has an occasional cough. I am going to give it awhile before we make any Dr visits. He's still sleeping and eating so I'm not worried. Noah's theme today was "Let's Make a Mess". He was sitting in his rice box a good majority of the day, chucking rice over the sides or sticking it to the nasty snot lines he had on his arms. When he wasn't in the rice box he was outside playing in his pool, throwing water everywhere. He helped me clean up before bedtime though so I don't mind. He even used the hand broom and swept up a lot of the rice all by himself. I took at least 4 videos today. I will have to pick the best one to share :) I try hard not to completely suffocate everyone with Noah cuteness hehe.


Britni said…
That dog is so cute!I know what you mean.It makes me sick the way some people treat their animals.I reported someone last year after they left their dog out in 95 degree heat all day on a leash with no shade.I brought him tubs of water & ice all the time and every time the owner would throw the water dishes off to the side of their house.All of a sudden there was no more dog...I always wonder if it died from the heat.Poor puppy :(
Britni said…
I can't wait to see your 20 week pictures!!!How fun!Hopefully you won't accidentally see if its a boy or girl!!Make sure they know that you want to wait to find out so they can be careful!Good luck,I'll be thinking about you :)
Allison said…
Hopefully that dog was taken from them after you reported the poor treatment and he's living happily with someone else. I keep thinking about the puppy because it's dark now and I don't know if he chases cars. I have no place to put him, I'm pregnant, we might move soon... it's just not logical to have a dog. But, I still want to save him :(

I plan on telling the sonogram tech as we're walking to the room that I don't want to know the gender. Then I will not engage that person in a conversation so they don't slip up and say "he" or "she" or any other leads. It's going to be tough! Especially since I will want to watch the monitor the entire time, but I really should refrain.
Pam said…
He is so impossibly cute!
(Like you needed me to tell you that.)

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