Saturday. What a Day. Groovin' all week with youuuuuuu!

These are, in fact, Happy Days. I will even concede that these happy days are both yours and mine. I've been in a great mood all day. I mowed my entire half acre lawn... OK I didn't mow the front yet. Don't worry it took me twice as long as last time because I made sure I took plenty of breaks, drank tons of water, and monitored my pulse and general feeling. I am sore and it feels great. I love exercise. I especially love exercise when it accomplishes something other than making me sore. My lawn is beautimous now. I don't want to lose the tone in my arms or legs that I've somehow managed to hold on to after getting out of the Army. Granted it's not the same tone, but I still have some muscle to me and I'm glad. Makes labor a lot easier! When Josh gets back I will be an exercising fool. I will go to college too!

I tried filling up Noah's pool to distract him from the mower, but that surely didn't work even for a second. He followed me the ENTIRE TIME about 6 feet behind me in just a diaper and boots, pushing his shopping cart base (because it looks like a mower). It was kinda nice because if I saw something in my path I could call for Noah and he'd grab it and chuck it out of the way. He was smeared with SPF45 and bug spray too so he was good to go. He finds the oddest things to be entertaining. I just bought him the V.Tech Smile game system off Ebay and it's just not in his range yet. Once again he simply does not understand. The concept of his hand on the joystick making something on a screen move is beyond his grasp right now. I'm a little shocked that a kid who can lock and unlock doors with a key, open childproof caps, put his own shoes on, and make his own PB&J sandwich cannot grasp a hand-eye coordination concept. He still can't steer his 4-wheeler either. How do you teach someone that their actions guide a machine? I think he just eventually has to practice and get it.

Right after we finished mowing we got online with Josh. Which is another huge factor in my happiness. Noah counted for him and waved at him and stuck his tongue out at him. He's so much more fun with the cam and mic now. That concept he understands. He will often get the webcam and put it someplace and tell me "Daddy's in there". I was glad Noah was so talkative for Josh. He just wouldn't shut up! Josh was loving it and cracking up :) We miss him. So that was our day. We weren't going to take naps today, but I couldn't stop falling asleep so I caved and napped from 4:30 to 6pm, which is so dumb. Now we'll be up until at least 10. Oh well! :D


Britni said…
That is so nice that you guys got to talk to Josh through the web cam :)
I can't believe you're still mowing your lawn.I can barely climb our stairs right now....I'm not in horrible shape.I do walk everyday & chase Ava around constantly,but mowing...I don't think I could do it!It sounds like you are being smart about it though,so good job!

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