I am sick of being afraid that everything I take or eat or drink is going to harm my baby's development. It seems like the more studies they do, the more foods are eliminated from my diet. I've been craving fish. One of my favorites is orange roughy... apparently it has a higher mercury content (.554 parts per million... wow how high) and that could damage a developing nervous system if eaten more than once a month. At least salmon is still ok. Coffee is bad, now it's good and can even prevent memory loss. Butter is bad, now it's better than margarine because of trans fats. Beef was bad, beef was good, bad again, good again. Eggs are the devil, eggs are a miracle. I am tired of the stinkin' FDA!

Know what I think? I think everyone is so paranoid about having healthy babies that they've forgotten that coke-heads even have healthy babies. There is a lot involved that has nothing to do with you. Women think they cause miscarriages, but I believe it takes a lot for you to be responsible for one. Either the pregnancy takes, or it doesn't. Inhaling paint fumes for a few minutes won't kill a fetus. Why do women want to punish themselves with this horrible guilt. It's good to be careful, but I hate how so many times we're expected to be fearful. Oh no!! better get the triple-screen because your baby might have neural tube defects because you didn't get enough folic acid! Whatever. Screw you FDA, you don't scare me!! If my baby isn't healthy I'm not going to believe that had I not eaten orange roughy that one time he/she'd be perfect.

I also don't follow that "20 lb" rule. How the hell am I supposed to follow that rule?! Noah weighs 30lbs and I've been lifting him his whole life so I doubt it's suddenly going to kill me or the baby to lift him into the car. I have to lift groceries all alone. I have to do everything all alone. I highly doubt I am going to lose or damage this baby. Hopefully I didn't offend anyone. If you're super careful during pregnancy that's cool... it's just not for me. I hate doctors and I don't trust the FDA.

In other news I bought 2 new shirts and new undergarments for my ever-expanding bum. I guess it's to help keep my balance? The shirts are cute and not technically maternity. I guess I'm finally thankful for the new popular "long and loose" style :)


Pam said…
Give me coffee, or give me death! Well, maybe not death, but crabbiness for sure. I agree, the FDA changes its mind every five minutes and we can't keep up. I don't pay any attention anymore when I see their latest "studies."

Frankly, it's a wonder anyone in my generation has survived because we didn't have carseats, bike helmets, sometimes not even seatbelts in our cars; we played with toys that were choking hazards, and we didn't have anyone saying, "You're special" every ten minutes.

Yay for advancements in society and technology, but boo for going overboard and scaring everyone!
Britni said…
Haha,I agree.I am careful but not to the point of worrying myself to death!I eat fish,peanut butter,eggs all that fun stuff.I have never really been able to drink much coffee because of my thyroid issues but I do have a iced capp like once a week....I just can't resist!Honestly I'd have them more often but I would be like 10lbs heavier if I did!
I lifted all the groceries for most of my pregnancy too (up until this past month)now Mark goes...and Ava is 24-25 lbs...I mean you HAVE to take care of your child,there's NO way around lifting them!I think worrying too much is more harmful than some of the things they are warning us about!
I had a miscarriage before we got pregnant with Ava and thankfully I don't blame myself.I came to realize if I hadn't had the miscarriage I wouldn't have Ava,so that helped me get through it.(We got pregnant with Ava two months after I miscarried).
I love the longer shirts they are making now...even for when your not pregnant they are flattering!
Amalia said…
I did not drink coffee, I didn't eat anything I wasn't supposed to the first trimester. Guess when Matthew's jaw didn't develop. Week 9. It had nothing to do with anything I did or ate. No one knows why it happened. It just did. I told the doctors everything. I was ok to drink coffee and I did the 2nd trimester on, I had horrible withdrawls the first trimester after I found out. I finally got a good ol fashion doctor that says no drugs no alcohol (There were the occasions I had a nip or two) and drink lots of water. Oh yeah, no smoking. Thats it. No don't eat deli meats, don't eat tuna, don't eat blue cheese. I avoided all those things during Matthew's first few months of development, and he still had a problem. And yeah, someone else who did nothing right, her baby was fine. I guess my baby needed me more and thats why I have him. I concure with this blog also.
Nerdular said…
hehe *claps*

ive eaten a lot of bleu cheese. mmmm. ive had some sushi. i drink a cup of coffee every morning (the first trimester i didnt even WANT it), a few deli sandwiches, a couple tuna sandwiches, and yesterday i had a beer (SO GOOD.) my kid is bound to be deformed. ;)

im just doing what my body tells me is OK! i cant handle all these "studies" either. someone made an excellent point that we are more careful during pregnancy than ever, yet all these kids are ending up autistic and ADD. its what you do with them outside of the womb that matters most. and this high tech culture is hard on their little brains!
Nerdular said…
... and women have a heightened sense of smell during pregnancy for a reason. i completely trust my instincts. if something smells bad, i wont eat it. but if i continue to crave it, i do! simple as that. i may eat a bunch of "taboo" items, but ive thrown meat away twice (before cooking) that just didnt smell right to me.

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