
It seems that everyone thinks we saw something in the sonogram pictures that lead us to believe it was a boy. This is not the case. We don't have a picture of what we saw and it was much smaller than anything in those pictures. We're pretty savvy and wouldn't be crazy enough to think that his foot or hand or umbilical chord was... you know. In the only picture I can imagine everyone thinks I am talking about, we think that's his other leg because you can see the foot by his butt. What we saw was live at the doctor when bebe had his butt pushed up against my stomach to give us a closer look. But, like I said... still too early to really know, but I think it's a boy. We'll not know for sure until bebe's born. Josh can't be here for the next sonogram so we're not finding out. I just don't want to, not without him. So... that's that. We had a great weekend and I am getting off the computer to enjoy more of our short time together. Just HAD to clarify. I didn't want people going around thinking I was some kind of moron.


Britni said…
Aww, was just teasing about the "boy part".I agree its early to be able to know for sure...even when you find out later on theres still the chance they could be wrong.They told my friend she was having a girl and she had a little boy to her surprise.
I would do the same as you & not try to find out since Josh won't be there with you.It will be much more fun to find out together when you have this little baby!
Allison said…
haha I got comments from family in email too and they were serious. I'm glad you understand why I want to wait!

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