Boycotting the Internets

I realized today that I am just being lazy about potty training. Noah is such an independent little guy already so being on his case every 15 or 20 minutes to initiate the actual potty training is much more taxing than I thought it would be. I get on the computer and read blogs, update blogs, check email... just let him play because I enjoy the alone time. I think I have to just boycott the computer for a week or two and MAKE MYSELF not even get online unless Noah is asleep. It will be difficult but it's better for both of us anyway. He's getting sorta ignored. In my defense I have also been doing Spanish refreshers so I'm being at least mildly constructive. I'm bored with everything here. I'm bored with my life. We need something new. Maybe once Noah's gotten at least the pooping part of potty training down I will take him to Corpus Cristi to play in the ocean as a reward. Last time we went he was afraid of the waves and just wanted to chase seagulls the whole time. I'll be proud to show off my big belly at the beach (before the rest of me gets big with it haha).

I love my son, but I have hardly any adult interaction and sometimes I just need a break. The only time I go anywhere or do anything without Noah is when Josh is home and that's like NEVER! So, for 3 years I have been just a mom. Point is, that's not an excuse because Noah has nothing to do with that. So I hereby resolve to get off my pregnant butt and pay more attention to my son. We'll go on more outings again and I will try my damnedest to be completely content with just watching him have a good time. We only have to keep this up for another few months and then hopefully Josh will be back in the states again. I will get to have a life outside of just being a mom and because of that I think I'll be a better mom. I wish my fellow mommy friends didn't all live in Washington, Ohio, Georgia, California, and Arizona (to name a few). This is the curse of the military :P One upside is always having somewhere to travel complete with friends and a place to stay.

Noah's up from his nap now. Adios :)


Jen said…
Potty training is so hard for children. I don't know why they cant handle the transition? I am lucky for the 2 times that Lilly has gone pee.
To answer your questions, Lilly is almost 22 months old. Her birthday is June 30. I am due on July 29. Sorry I'm rambling!!
You look really great for being 18 weeks. You are really tiny still. At 18 weeks i was the size of a house all over! Hope all works out for you this week. Best of luck to Noah!
Britni said…
Good luck on potty training!I'm sure Noah will catch on fast.I have seen these little things you can buy at Babies r us for boys that are little floating toilet targets for them to aim at & they are flushable,haha.Maybe you can try those? :)
Can you really last that long without the internet?I would have a hard time with that!

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