Sonogram Pictures

Here's more cool shots of our new baby. Baby tried really hard to ruin the surprise, but I resisted the temptation and the tech was great about not slipping up. So, we're still in the dark about the gender. The birth will be so exciting (as if it weren't going to be exciting enough already)! Right when we looked in on the baby it stared at the machine and let out a huge yawn, which we have a pic of (first one). I can see so much of this child's personality already! I know for a fact this baby will not handle it's arms being tied down or wrapped up. His/her arms are very important to it's comforting technique already. He was laying on them, putting them on his ears, rubbing his eyes. It was a fun sonogram :) I wish you could have been there, babe. I love you! We'll be together again soon. See you at naptime!:D


Britni said…
Very cool pictures!!!I always get profile ones,which I like too.You could see Ava & Ember pouty lips & round cheeks in both of their ultra sounds :)Do you guys have a boy & girl name picked out?Are you willing to tell us if you do,or is it going to be a surprise? :)I want to know!Haha.I am impatient.
It looks like the baby is rubbing his/her eyes in the last picture,so cute.Ember was sucking her thumb in the last ultra sound I had.
~Talk to you soon,
Allison said…
Yeah I actually named that pic "20wks rubbing eye" haha. I have a profile shot of Noah, but this baby just didn't want to turn that way! I get nervous about sharing the names because people seem to think they're allowed to tell me they don't like them since the baby isn't born yet. HA! But, I trust you... I'll tell you on Myspace ;) Oh and I don't want anyone to steal my names! MY NAMES! hahaha
Britni said…
Hahaha.You're funny :)Unfortunately,you are right.A lot of people feel they can tell you their opinions on names.I haven't had any really negative comments but some people have made comments like "Hmm, interesting".I don't care though.Mark & I chose our names together & we have our reasons for why we love them and thats all that matters to us :)Let them talk!

by the way though I love the names you chose :)
Pam said…
Very cool to already have a feel for his/her personality... great pics!
Pam said…
This isn't really a comment, but I just wanted to tell you, "You're it!"

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