another nap dream

I fell asleep on the couch while I was supposed to be waiting for signs that Noah had to "go" so I could rush him to the potty. I wanted to wait until he went to go to the store. Well, I obviously missed all the signs because I fell asleep and Dora came on followed by Diego (her older and equally annoying brother). My dreams consisted of Noah talking like Dora and me being annoyed and begging him to stop... then my niece Alex started to do it... then Ben caught on to doing it. By the end it was the those 3, Michelle, and my mom walking around in this Sam's Club like pet store as the Dora imitators mused about cedar chips and hamsters. I believe I fell asleep at the end of the Wonder Pets so that explains the animals. There was even a point when Alex and Ben were begging me to "JUMP! COME ON JUMP, ARRIBA ARRIBA!!" to help them get something off of a shelf... "LOUDER COME ON ARRRRIIIIIIBA!". This method of course didn't work since inanimate objects rarely respond to shouting, especially in Spanish. It was very frustrating because I was trying to get them to stop, but I had lost my voice and couldn't be heard over their overexcited Spanish nonsensical ramblings. I woke up and Noah had helped himself to another tub o' peaches and was, in fact, pooped... dammit. Diego was about halfway over and he was quite happy watching a hang glider magically turn back into Diego's backpack. I'm lucky nothing bad happened! I was asleep for at least 30 minutes... maybe more :O I blame it on the storms last night.

We were under a tornado warning until 12:45am last night. The wind was crazy, the rain was intense, and I've never seen so much lightning. We lost power once, but it came right back on. The storm raged from around 12:15 to 1:00 so I really wasn't able to sleep. I was trained as an Ohioan to take tornado warnings very seriously. All it takes for Texas to slap a warning up is any yuppy person claiming they saw a funnel cloud in ANY PART of the county. Oh and Texas doesn't believe in basements! I had a little bag packed near my closet just in case, and I stayed awake until I was sure everything was OK. Then I stayed awake until 2am watching Huxtapalooza, trying to breathe through my nose and relax. Those Huxtables are just too funny. I love that family, but it's unrealistic that a doctor and a lawyer would ever be home that much with their children. So anyway, yeah, I was tired today and now I am off to the store because I've run out of coffee and other such necessities.


Britni said…
We don't have a basement either.Just the closet under the stairs and that is STUFFED right now.It's on my list of things to do!!I hate tornado warnings.I didn't mind earthquakes when we lived in Cali,but tornadoes scare me!

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