Outdoors Much?

The past few days my neighbor and I have been spending nearly all our time outside, working on one project or another. The first project was putting together Caleb's new playset, which is AWESOME! It wasn't too difficult, but it definitely required 2 people. They were all over it while we were trying to put it together. Once it was finished they were too enthralled with the sandbox to even care... sigh. Boys don't make sense.

Yesterday we went to Lowe's on a mission. We were going to get all our plants and necessary accessories to make our front porches gorgeous. We did a great job! I love the front of our little complex now because, although we "match"... 2 flower boxes and a hanging basket... our different personalities are obvious (mine is the purple one). It's great! We're going back to Lowe's sometime soon to get more plants for the little porch areas and some chain to bring the baskets down a bit. We both agree they're too high up. Noah had a fun time helping us plant. He was all about getting dirt out of the bag and putting it into the pots for us. He was also excited about sweeping up the mess. I also got seeds and soil to finally start my herb garden! I've been wanting an herb garden since forever. It was my Mother's Day present to me :) I still need to get my herbs planted, but that will be done sometime this week most likely.

Noah's been especially sweet lately. He sets the table for me. He will ask Josh and I if we want napkins or bread or whatever else happens to be around. He's such a sweetheart. Anytime I ask him to do something for me he replies "oh, sure Mommy... (gets it)...here you go... (thank you, Noah)...you're welcome". He's becoming a much better listener and understands a lot more. He is able to joke and use sarcasm now and can sense sarcasm in others. This is really important if he wants to survive in our family. Poor kid seems sick today. I think he caught my cold. I am pretty sure Tristan will be OK because I have been feeding him all my antibodies (I added another feeding back in while I was sick to help boost his immunities). I've been giving Noah lots of OJ and vitamins so maybe he won't feel as bad as I did. The second and third days were the absolute worst for me... we'll see how he is tomorrow.


Britni said…
I love your flower arrangements! We have a lot of work ahead of us on the outside of our house...our poor sad lawn needs some love & care!I love the purple flowers by the way!

That's really cute about Noah helping so much lately. He is such a sweat heart! Ava loves to help too. She is so sweet all the time and then she'll get in these mischievous moods where she just loves to irk me. It's like she has to get it out of her system,haha. The majority of the time though she is so sweet. She always says please, thank you, bless you!, are you ok?, Here you go Mommy, Can I help?,Let me get that...Oh I love it. :)

I'm glad nursing is going well for you still. I am down to 4 nursing sessions a day & no pumping of breast pads...haha....which is a huge deal for me who has always had a big milk supply. I think you'll find as Tristan gets older it gets even easier to nurse them quickly & get on with what needs to be done. I really noticed a difference around 9-10 months. Nursing an older baby is so much easier then I thought! I really still don't see how some women can nurse their babies until their 2 though....Temper tantrums & breastfeeding wouldn't mesh wel,lol!
Babs Haake said…
When did Noah get a neck? He looks so much older now. :(
cute as a button, but I missed a lot already. Long distance grandmothering is not very much fun.
Jen said…
how sweet. i cant wait till lilly is out of her terrible 2's. its good to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel! and i love your flowers. i cant wait to plant ours now the we ripped out the bushes in the front, some bright flowers would really help! be careful with your herb garden. if you plan on mint or spearmint, put it in a pot to grow. from experience...it will take over your yard. the people that lived here before us planted them in the garden and it took over the whole back yard. no matter how much we pull it it comes back!!??!!
good luck
Amalia said…
The porches look great, if i can get my butt in gear, I have to weed the yard, but I just can't seem to unglue my butt from this chair. I am waiting for russell to log on...As for the herb garden, I do one every year and every year its great! I usually do cilantro, basil and dill. I decided to try a lettuce garden this year along with some strizzleberries! My problem is they are all in pots, and well, Matthew and the cat are making life difficult for my lil plants.
Haley Elizabeth said…
I love your flowers! They are soooo pretty. I did mine to. I will have to take a picture of them. I even put in her mulch. Your complex is so nice. It's Army housing? I wish our was that nice. It's nice that Noah is such a nice helper. Dave likes to have Haley fetch him water or a coke like a dog haha. I think that's men.

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